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Harry: miones mad. did pansy say something?

Draco: something? She said a whole lot of something. shes sent me like one hundred texts in the last minute.

Harry: what's she saying?

Draco: shes updating me on every last thing that happens and then she just starts swearing at me again.

Draco: once again, i think we're doing them a favor by setting that up. they never wouldve done it completely on their own. sometimes our stupid little lesbian children need a push in the right direction. plus, it was their decision to start talking.

Harry: so you know whats happening? Because Hermione didnt say anything

Draco: theyre just on a walk

Harry: $5 says that by the end of the night they'll be down each others throats.

Draco: definitely not.

Draco: this is PANSY AND HERMIONE we're talking about

UNKNOWN ID (pansmione) [girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now