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Unknown, 9:01 P.M.: im dying of boredom, wanna play a game?

Hermione: My mum told me not to talk to creepy strangers online.

Unknown: so, twenty questions it is?

Hermione: Yeah, sure.

Unknown: you go first.

Hermione: What's your sexuality?

Unknown: lesbian, or bisexual, I guess. I feel like I only want a serious relationship with females exclusively but I wouldn't mind having a flick with guys. not like I haven't in the past. sometimes i wish i were pansexual just because there's a certain pun that can be made out of my name.

Hermione: I don't think I follow. What's your name?

Unknown: my god, keeping my identity a secret from you might be easier than I thought. I thought you were supposed to be intelligent?

Hermione: Pro tip-don't insult someone you're trying to get with.

Unknown: whatever

Hermione: It's your turn.

Unknown: favorite color?

Hermione: I don't think I have one, honestly.

Unknown: hm. you're turn.

Hermione: your** and tell me any secret you have.

Unknown: that was not even a question but ok. I dont have any secrets so can i just tell you someone elses secret?

Hermione: I suppose.

Unknown: harry potter and draco are a thing . they're either dating or fuck buddies. I don't even think that they know what they are.

Hermione: What the hell

Hermione: You're lying. That's gossip, and I don't appreciate it. Yeah, we all know that Harry is bisexual, but he'd never get with Draco.

Unknown: is it still gossip if Draco Malfoy himself told me?

Hermione: So you're one of the snake's friends, eh?

Unknown: what're you, canadian? jfc. and yeah, im his friend or whatever.

Hermione: Who do you think tops and who do you think bottoms?

Unknown: this is an invasion of privacy.

Hermione is typing . . .

Unknown: and after all that Draco has done to me, he deserves it. Draco is so clearly a bottom bitch.

Hermione: You think?

Unknown: i KNOW for a fact, actually.

Hermione: I reckon that they would just fight the entire time because of their massive egos. It'd go a little somsething like: "No, I'm topping," "No, I am," "NO," "I'm being top," "Ok, I'm being bottom," "Now I want to be bottom," "You little fuck, let's just do this already."

Hermione: And they'd do that for so long that they wouldn't even get to the sex part itself.

Unknown: hermione im crying. you have a dirty side to you?

Hermione: We all do, do we not?

Unknown: I'm a perfectly innocent and impressionable flower.

Hermione: Oh, do shut up! I know for a fact that you've ought to be a little bit dirty.

Unknown: im romantic, not dirty.

Hermione: Tell me something romantic.

Unknown: Will you be her-MI-o-NE?

Hermione: I don't get it.

Pansy: it's a pick up line using your name... the M I N and E are all in caps... ugh nvm.

Two two continued to text until they passed out.

word count: 463.

Question of the day: What's your favorite school subject?

UNKNOWN ID (pansmione) [girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now