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Hermione, 2:10 pm: Hey

Pansy: hey?

Pansy: didn't think you'd wanna talk to me.

Hermione: what gave you that idea?

Pansy: now you know I have a crush on you

Hermione: So? I knew you had a crush on me before so what's the difference now that I know your identity? You're still fun to talk to.

Pansy: ur odd, granger

Hermione: Says the one who's been texting me anonymously, Parkinson.

Pansy: you said you were ok with it!

Hermione: That will never mean that I won't stop getting a good laugh out of it.

Pansy: I have to study for Spanish. I'll text you in a bit?

Hermione: Dont study. I'm bored.

Pansy: aren't you little miss academic? shush. I'll text you later.

Hermione: :(

Question of the day: do you write on Wattpad? (If you do, comment your favorite story you published and a brief description and I'll check it out.)

UNKNOWN ID (pansmione) [girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now