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Pansy: im sad

Pansy: i want to be with hermione.

Pansy: shes so perfect

Pansy: im also sad because i accidentally texted this to her and it ruined my mood.

Draco: First off, would it really hurt you to just send all of that in one text message? Secondly, how do you just not check where something is being sent before sending it? And lastly, what the fuck? So, in conclusion, I'd like to formally accuse you of being an idiot and a lesbian.

Pansy: how are you going to make fun of me for sending multiple texts when you just wrote in the format of an informational essay?

Draco: how are you going to call me out when

Draco: ok listen i dont have the energy to finish that text rn but what did hermione say?

Pansy: she just sorta said she'd not hold it against me.

Draco: I'll never understand the mind of a lesbian. Like, why do you guys have to wait for the other to make the first move? dont you guys understand that dating literally does not work like that?? if you guys both wait for the other to do something, nothing happens.

Pansy: thats irrelevant because hermione doesnt even like me

Draco: maybe she would if you'd tell her who you are. you're cool and idk looking at you doesnt make me want to throw up so

Pansy: what if she's really not into girls?

Draco: ...

Draco: ok


Word count: 237 words.

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