17.9K 534 783

Unknown, 5:07 p.m.: hey

Hermione: Hey

Unknown: wyd?

Hermione: Sorry, I don't speak internet.

Unknown: jfc are you a grandmother?

Hermione: 1. What the hell does jfc mean, 2. Do I LOOK like a grandmother to you?

Unknown: 1. jesus fucking christ, 2.nah u look hot to me

Hermione: Anon, do you take suggestions?

Unknown: sure.

Hermione: I suggest you find the nearest and highest bridge and jump off it.

Unknown: not nice :(

Unknown: anyways, wyd means what're you doing

Hermione: Trying to find a way to get out of this conversation.

Unknown: i think it's so funny that you say that because i think that you like talking to me, despite how much you say that i'm annoying to you.

Hermione: And why is that?

Unknown: if you didnt enjoy talking to me, you would have blocked me by now.

Hermione: Maybe I'm just bored.

Unknown: u must be bored a lot, then.

Hermione: Shut up.

Unknown: ard, bye.

read: 5:09 p.m.

Question of the day: What's your favorite season? Comment your answer.

UNKNOWN ID (pansmione) [girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now