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point of view: Hermione

"So, did you actually know that Harry was doing this?" I questioned.

"What? No," she responded in a panic, "I mean, what kind of creep do you think that I am? You know how Draco and Harry are. They're weird with this shit. They're always sticking their noses where it doesn't fucking belong."

Now knowing that this wasn't some creepy attempt to get to know me, I let out a relieved laugh, "sorry, yeah, that sounded dumb."

"To be fair, I've been an absolute fucking creep for months," she admitted, "I swear, I'm not that terrible in real life, uh."

We walked around the exterior of the building for a bit, where we found ourselves sitting on the stone wall that laid behind the school. Most people didn't like going to the back of the school because it was poorly lit and had a run-down look to it, but I for one kind of enjoyed the dingy look of the place. It was nice, in a way. It was the quiet kind of place where you could just sit down and enjoy a book without the fear of anyone interrupting you. We sat side by side, still talking this opportunity to talk everything out.

"Listen, I want to apologize for everything that's happened," she tells me.

"You say that as if you've done anything wrong to me."

"I mean, I did in a way. I've come off like an absolute freak, and that's just not who I am in real life."

"Yeah, in real life you're a bit of a pussy," I felt the words come running out of my mouth before I even had the time to think about it, and trying to take it back, I added on to it saying, "uh, uh, sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"What's that mean?" she asked defensively.

"It's just that," I bit down on my lip momentarily, trying to think of something to say, "over text you're all big and ballsy--always hitting on me and joking and saying what's on your mind, and now you just seem nervous. It's like come on, do something."

"I thought you didn't like it when I hit on you."

"Well, maybe at first I didn't like it," I trailed off.

"But now you do?" She questioned as a smile grew on her face, "Oh, Hermione, you have no idea what a big mistake you've made by admitting that. I mean, can I get that in writing? Can I get it in writing that you enjoy when I hit on you?"

Choosing to ignore what she asked, I said, "hit me with your best pick up line and maybe, just maybe, I'll tell you whether I like it or hate it when you hit on me."

"Just one?" she asks, "ok, uh, uh, uh. Ok. Do you want to see a picture of a beautiful person?"

"Sure," I answer, going along with it.

She holds up the camera of her phone to my face, takes a photo, and then shows it to me.

I find myself laughing at her complete and utter stupidity. It shouldn't be funny. No, it's really not funny at all, but somehow Pansy and I are just sitting on the edge of the little wall just laughing at her dumb joke.

And just as the laughing dials down, there's this moment that we're just looking at each other, and it feels good somehow. Then quickly, and stupidly, I find myself being the one to make a first move on her. I kiss her.

UNKNOWN ID (pansmione) [girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now