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Pansy: Malfoy. I am over Hermione.

Draco: you like hermione?

Pansy: shit i forgot i didnt tell you about that. but i dont like her anymore.

Draco: you sure?

Pansy: no

Pansy: or yes. idk.

Draco: what caused the change in spirit?

Pansy: hermione a lil bitch

Draco: ?

Pansy: k so i was texting her and making a joke about her being gay, right?

Draco: mkay

Pansy: and then she gets all butthurt and annoyed. It was a fucking joke and i dont see the problem.

Pansy: sent 2 images

Draco: most closeted gays dont like being forced out of the closet... believe it or not.

Pansy: i think she blocked me. my message never sent through

Draco: or maybe her phone is off


word count: 116.

Question of the day: What's your favorite book? (i have a feeling that a lot of you MIGHT just say harry potter haha) Comment your answer.

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