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Pansy: yeah, she just kissed me.

Pansy: Like SHE did it.

Draco: pansy, what did I say about lying?

Pansy: fuck off

Pansy: we were just sitting there talking, and SHE kissed me.

Draco: was it good?

Pansy: I mean, yeah, it was pretty good, but then afterwards we just didn't talk about it that much more. Like, what does that mean? Does it mean that she likes me.

Draco: you're a blithering idiot and a disgrace of a lesbian, Pansy Parkinson.

Pansy: ???

Draco: of course she likes you, you fucktard.

Draco: SHE kissed you

Pansy: I think I'm gonna explode

Pansy: or piss myself

Pansy: what do i do now

Pansy: i never thought things would get this far

Draco: i don't know. that's up to you to decide

Pansy: you're no help

Draco: hey, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been in the situation that lead her to kiss you in the first place. a thank you would be nice?

Pansy: no, fuck u

Pansy: jk i luv u <3

UNKNOWN ID (pansmione) [girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now