Getting my powers

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~Inspired by @SamiKW

Kiara's  pov
One day like any other me and Jon were out doing some quality twin bonding you know like we always did every Saturday. We went bowling then shopping got ice cream and went to the park to our favourite bench. Well moms favourite bench - you see dad told us him and mom came here while she was pregnant with us and we kinda formed a bond with the bench seeing their initials engraved in the oak wood.

>Time skip<

When we got home dad told us to get ready for dinner. When we came we sat down as dad set the food out. Jon and dad then began talking about "hero stuff" and then they saw me and wen quiet. " guys it's fine". They feel bad talking about stuff like that cause they think I don't have powers or at least not yet.
I finished dinner at went to my room fed up of then feeling bad for me.
I flopped onto my bed and then I heard an unusually familiar knock on my door, I instantly knew it was Jon because me and him had this thing in which if we ever needed to talk we would do that instead of words.
He opened the door and came in and closed the door behind him. "Look Kia I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel bad " Jon said looking at me with a frown which the turned into a shocked face looking at me. "Do you seriously think that, that's what this is about?!" Jon flinched as I have never raised my voice in front of him and because we have never fought before. "Jon look I don't care whether you talk
About that stuff or not I'm not jealous or anything, it's the fact you and dad can't talk about that stuff in front of me! You say you don't want me to feel bad or left out but your making me feel bad and leaving me out!"
"I..I didn't mean to ari I'm sorry i didn't know you felt like that" Jon said in a calming voice.
" well I do...." I said turning around. Jon stayed there for a couple of minutes trying to find something to fill the silence but nothing
We just stayed there, in the morning I woke up and remembered what happened the night before, I got off my bed to open the curtains as soon as they're open a ray of sunshine burst in. "Aaaaah.... the light! It burns..." Jon began complaining. " you stayed here last night? " I questioned surprised but also touched. " well yeah I mean I'm not gonna leave my twin like this especially after our First fight" I smiled instantly and hugged him. " thanks... and....sorry". We got caught up in the moment that we completely forgot we had school we rushed to get our clothes on. I wore a white shirt with blue jeans and a red shirt around my waist with some black converse. Jon had already left for school but I had to stay back for a dentists appointment. After my appointment, dad dropped me off at school and it was lunch. I went to find Jon cause we always had lunch together then i sat down at our usual table and one by our friends came and sat down first it was my best friend Anna then Jon's friend Sam. I the dropped my fork and went to pick it up as I stood up Anna began laughing then Sam began laughing. As I sat back down I asked " what? Why are you laughing?"  They didn't stop. In between laughs they said " it's... haha ... your outfit...". I was confused by this then I said " what's wrong with it I thought it looked cute" "your not the only one" Sam said. I was really confused until Jon walked up to us wearing the exact same thing as me and as soon as i realised "oh..." Jon suddenly noticed as he sat down then everyone started 'awing' on the twinning. Which made us blush with embarrassment. Soon we got over it and went to science Jon and I sat together and all of a sudden my vision blurs, and everything and everyone I look at is either white or a creepy skeleton. As soon as that happened I immediately shut my eyes thinking it was just a mind trick Jon saw this and asked me if I was fine then when i opened my eyes he was a skeleton. I got scared and began to shake Jon came to me but before he could I ran out of the class screaming. I ran into the girls bathroom trying to hide when I heard someone come inside. " kiara... honey are you ok?" It was my dad, " dad I don't know what's wrong with me my eyes burn all I can see is creepy skeletons and my ears ache" " Kia sweety I know what's wrong" my eyes widened in shock "you do?!" "Kiara your getting your powers!" My dad said with a smile on his face. "SERIOUSLY!!!!?? This is because of my powers! I thought I was DYING!" I yelled frustrated but also relieved I wasn't dying. I stepped out of the stall and my dad hugged me. We walked out and saw Jon standing outside since it was the girls bathroom. "Kiara are you ok? You scared me when you got all freaked out" how did I end up with such a good twin. " I'm fine. According to dad I was just getting my powers" i said  "oh..." Jon said realising my actions. " why didn't you tell me your x ray vision was so creepy" I said playfully smacking his arm.

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