Chapter 31

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Kiara and Damian were out on their nightly patrol as supergirl and robin when they came across python(fake dc villain - don't ask) they began fighting him as he tried to spread his poisonous venom throughout Gotham. His venom was different to regular venom or cobra venom, his venom changed people into things such as kids, monkeys or even cats.

Python slithered to supergirl ready to strike when Damian stood in the way beginning to attack with a side kick. Supergirl joined and punched him across the room. Python sent his mutant snakes after them, as they were fighting they had lost sight of python. Taking down the last of the snakes robin came up to supergirl "are you ok?" He asks concerned about his girlfriend. As supergirl smiles and nods "yeah I'm fine, you good?" She asks "yeah I'm-" he gets cut off by supergirl putting a hand on his mouth "shh I hear something" she says moving her hair behind her ear and closing her eyes trying to focus.

"He's up there" she whispers and looks at her boyfriend to see that he's slightly blushing at her hand on his face. She quickly removes it and then pushes them both out of sight and slowly flies up to python and begins to fight him.

She gives him a hard blow to the stomach and he falls off the metal beam he was hiding on. Upon falling supergirl sees him begin to release venom "robin! Look out!" She yells hoping he was fast enough to move out of the way.

The venom consumes robin and he falls unconscious, supergirl catches him before his head hit the floor.

She runs up to python and begins to beat him up for hurting her lover. She lands a final punch rendering him unconscious as she ties him up and removes his venom glands.

She walks back to Damian and puts his head in her Lap and her eyes widen to see that his body is shifting. Ears grew on his head a small fluffy tail grew out and small fangs appeared in his mouth. He had turned into a dog.

Kiara's pov
"Date night did not go as planned" I mumbled.
Unsure of what to do I pressed my comms and batman immediately answers
"Supergirl to batman"
"Batman here I assume the mission was a success"
"Yes python is securely captured but there was a slight incident"
"Where's robin?"
"He uh.... got venomed by python and he's turned into a dog? I think but I need assistance"
"I'll send super boy and red robin. Batman out"

I waited 5 minutes until they had arrived with Jon taking python to the police. Tim and I had taken dami back to the bat cave.

As we arrived dick came rushing and rambling "where's dami? Where's my baby brother?" We looked at him weirdly as I showed him Damian. "Omg what happened?" Dick says.

"Python. Venom. Hit. Dog creature"I sum up. We get Damian checked out by Alfred then we take him to his room and lay him on his bed. The boys leave me alone with him and I look over his features. He was his normal self just hairier with fangs, and wolf ears, and a tail honestly he was like half wolf half human.

He looked peaceful sleeping, after a while he groans and sits up "what happened?"
"You got hit by pythons venom" I explain.

"What happened to me?" He asks looking over himself. I look around for a mirror and find one on his nightstand. I place it in front of his face and he freaks out slightly then looks again and pokes his fangs and slightly pulls his ears.

"This is going to need getting used to" Damian says and gets up he starts to leave his bedroom when I pull him back. "I have a tail?!" He yells as I reply "yes and your not leaving the room you need to rest and I'll get whatever you need for you" I say dragging him to bed.

He reluctantly lies down then looks at me and whimpers slightly "aww did you just whimper. Oh! The puppy dog pout" I squeal as he whines. We soon fall asleep cuddled on the bed with Damian curled up around  me.

I get woken up by growling and turn to see Damian glaring at his brothers who were taking pictures. Damian's ears get bigger and his fangs go sharper, "Guys stop! Your making him angry" I warn.

They look at him fear stricken and Damian looks like he wanted to rip their throats out. I turn to him a wrap my arms around him scratching behind his ears whispering "shhh calm down love, it's ok I'm here, your fine, you don't wanna hurt them or at least permanently damage them"

When I move my head his fangs go slightly in and his ears go smaller. His brothers just stand there in shock.

"What the fuck was that?!" Jason yelled as I glared and Damian growled. "Jay just shut up and all of you get out his emotions are heightened and he gets angry more easily and now he has the strength of a... Well me so I suggest you get the fuck out before he fucking rips your throat out!" I say sarcasm lacing my voice.

"Your mine, only mine" Damian growls and snuggles into me. "Looks like your possessiveness is heightened too."

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