First date

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Jon's pov
As soon as I heard it was their first date I was filled with so many emotions happy confused angry hurt relieved betrayed I mean who wouldn't be if your best friend is dating your twin sister. Damian came to get kiara and that's when I decided to give him the 'boyfriend talk' . "So....Damian just cause we're friends doesn't mean I'm ok with you dating my sister. You could hurt her and I don't want that cause then I would have to hurt you" Damian had a surprised look on his face my normal happy self replaced by overprotective brooding brother. "I don't plan on hurting kiara. I couldn't even if I wanted to. Also I don't want our relationship to ruin yours and I's friendship" this kind of took me back he finally accepted our friendship as friends and not just allies. "Nice to know we see eye to eye"
That's when kiara came down and Damian kissed her cheek I growled and they left saying goodbye.

Jason pov
As soon as they left we all came out of hiding. "You guys ready?" I asked as we stared heading out. You see Damian acting his age was a rare thing most of the family didn't believe it until they saw it and still don't so we decided to follow them and see what happens to Jon we are just making sure nothing happens to his sister to Us we are getting blackmail or future wedding scrapbook photos for Alfred.

Kiara pov
We finally made it to the carnival. As soon as we got our tickets I started dragging Damian everywhere. Currently we were waiting in line for the Ferris wheel. I smiled at Damian who smiled back. I couldn't help the feeling of being watched. I shrugged it off and we got into cart number four. As we made it to the top we were enjoying the view. Until we stopped so other could get off and that's when the 'problem' happened. The Ferris wheel began having technical problems so we were stuck about 100 feet in the air and I began feeling uneasy.
Damian saw and grabbed my hand I leaned my head on his shoulder he tensed but then relaxed. The wind blew in our faces. It was quiet until Damian spoke "You know, I forgot to tell you that you look beautiful" I blushed and looked him into his emerald green eyes "t-thanks" and all of a sudden I was leaning in and so was he then I felt his warm lips against mine after a few seconds we broke apart and blushed then the Ferris wheel starts to move again. We get off and see a booth with a ring toss and we decided to play. Damian grabbed the rings three in each hand and threw them at once getting them all in. I gaped at him while he smirked. "What prize ya want?" The booth guy said. I looked over my options until my eyes land on a certain plushy. "The robin one" Damian looked at me as I was handed the plushy I hugged it and me and him walked off.

Damian pov
So far the date has been great. Me and kiara had a moment on the Ferris wheel and I have a weird feeling in my chest. For once I might actually be happy.... I also feel like I'm being watched but don't want to alert kiara and ruin her fun so I shrugged it off.
I just won a ring toss and the owner of the booth asked kiara what price she wanted then she smirked at me and pointed then said "the robin one" I watched her hug it as we walked away. "Seriously...?" I ask. "Whaaaat?" She laughs, "I thought it was cute" she giggles I laugh. I hear something....we both do I turn around but be discreet then I nod at kiara, she pulls out her phone and begins to text me.

Dami- Damian
Beloved- kiara

Beloved- you feel it too
Dami- yes it's Kent and my idiotic brothers
Beloved- why'd you think they're spying?
Dami- I don't know, not many people believe that I could be...nice
Beloved-aww dami your so sweet to me
*Damian blushed*
Beloved-I think we should mess with them
*Damian smirks*

Kiara pov
Me and Damian made a plan to see how they would react and how discreet they would be about it so we began our plan.
I pretended Damian left me and he went to another girl which was actually Irey, surprised how fast she made it here. I just acted hurt even though I completely trust Irey and then stormed off. Damian smirked as he nodded to Irey that it worked as he tried to run after me. That's when everyone came out of hiding.

Jon's pov
I can't believe it! Damian cheated on kiara. HOW DARE HE HURT MY SISTER!!!!!!. I was furious. I was gonna beat the shit out of him.

Damian's pov
The next part of our plan was our 'fight' we didn't want to have a fight but we didn't want them to get away with spying on us.
So we begun our acting. We were actually reacting a break up scene from a old movie we watched.
"I can't believe you..." she began. "Ki-" she cut me off "how could said you cared about me!" "It's not what it looked like" "oh really, cause it looked like your cheating on me... correct me if I'm wrong" "look I've been meaning to tell you...." "Damian..." she began to fake cry. Damn she's a good actress. "I didn't want to tell you like this...I like someone else and I don't think it's gonna work out between us" "I...I get it" "look kiara..." " it's fine" "I'm sorry" "I-i need to go" she then ran off and that's when everyone came out.

Jason's pov
WTF! did they just... break up. I can't believe Damian fucked up so bad. Kiara did actually change him for the better.
As soon as kiara ran off I came out and walked next to Damian who looked defeated. "WTF did you do?!" He looked at me the back down. Everyone else came out and began shouting at him "seriously Damian how could you?" "You really messed up" "my ship just sunk" "demon spawn you ruined the only good thing you had in your life" "I can't believe that was real"
Jon then said "I can't believe you hurt my baby sister!!!!!!"
That's when he turned around smirking and then started laughing. We were confused and shocked that Damian the demon laughed.

Kiara's pov
"You can come out now kiara" I heard Damian yell. I came out laughing and smiling at everyone's reactions. Then I went and kissed Damian's cheek.
"What..." dick began "...the fuck.."Jason continued "....just..." Tim carried on "..happened?.." Jon ended.
Me and Damian looked at them. And began explaining. "Well you see we both felt like we were being watched and you guys are idiots if you think we didn't recognise you guys while we were walking around I mean come on guys I'm a kryptonian he's an ex assassin you can't trick us" then Damian continued "TT~ you imbeciles weren't being as discreet as you thought cause we saw you and then started texting cause you guys might have over heard us if we talked about it then we made a plan on how to get revenge on you guys spying."
"So everything with Irey was... fake" dick asked. "Yes, yes it was we didn't even kiss just stood in an angle to make it look like we did." Irey answered walking out of the shadows. "You were in on it I thought you were on our side?!" Dick asked hurt. "Dick I ship these guys and you tried ruining their first date as if I was gonna let that happen so when they texted I had to help" Irey argued back. "So you don't like Damian" Jon asked Irey as she blushed and shook her head. I saw a look of relief on Jon's face. Someone's got a cruuush!

We decided to go get ice cream all of us then called it a night we walked home and Damian and I went to the roof of the manner then we just layed there looking at the stars and eventually I fell asleep. I felt I was being picked up but kept my eyes shut. I listened to the heartbeat and realised it was damian. I got put on a bed I think, and the I heard him whisper "good night beloved I love you" then he kissed my forehead and left I couldn't help but smile and fell asleep thinking about how I was lucky enough to find Damian.

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