The band

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Kiara's pov
Damian told me that him, Jon and Colin had decided to form a band of some sort and had a gig tonight at a cafe. I was invited being Jon's sister and Damian's girlfriend, I hadn't met Colin yet. Irey was coming with me and I was constantly teasing her about the fact that my brother Jon asked her to come. She kept on blushing.

I was getting ready to head to the cafe with Irey, The boys already left to set up and sound check and stuff.
I wore:

Irey wore:

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Irey wore:

We tried matching it didn't work out but we just went with it Irey said she wanted to wear pants just in case she embarrassed herself in front of Jon and needs to run off

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We tried matching it didn't work out but we just went with it Irey said she wanted to wear pants just in case she embarrassed herself in front of Jon and needs to run off. She doesn't want to be more embarrassed by wearing a skirt and runnning.

We arrived at the cafe and noticed the guys on stage. They saw us and smiled as I slightly waved at them and mouthed good luck and Irey blushed which made Jon blush.

(Damian on the left, Jon on the right, Colin in the middle)

As soon as they finished and got off staged I hugged them "you guys were amazing! Now you can sing at the next Halloween party" I say the last part jokingly. They laughed rolling their eyes and smiling.

"Hi I'm Colin" Colin introduced "kiara jons twin and Damian's girlfriend and this is our friend Iris" I introduce us as Irey steps forward to shake Colin's hand "please call me irey" they shook hands and notice Jon was glaring I nudged him and he stopped.

"Colllliiiieeee!" We heard a familiar voice screech. Brittany ran over and hugged Colin "babe you were so good" she said she turned her head and looked at us. "Kiara" she said voiced laced with venom. "Brittany" I said in a similar tone. "What are YOU doing here?!" She says to me. "ME?! It's my brother and boyfriends and now friends band! What are YOU doing here?" I say calming down. "My boyfriends here" she answers "who?" I ask wondering which sad person had fallen into her trap. "Me" colin answers and we all look at him wide eyed. "What?!" We all yell simultaneously. "Oh you poor thing!" I say earning a scoff and glare from Brittany. "Can you guys go get us some drinks we just gonna catch up" Irey says to the boys as they leave. "He is lucky he has me so back off bitch!"she growls.

"Your delusional if you think that. And what did you just call me" I say "I called you a bitch but I should have said slut" she says smirking "me? A slut? Seriously have you looked in the mirror? Oh wait of course you have the only thing you care about is your looks and you know that you don't care about what's on the inside if it looks good you want it right? That's the only way you play. You toy with people just to get what you want! And BTW your wearing way less clothing then me so it's safe to say that your the slut here" I say seriously.

"Listen here you worthless Piece of shit! I'm prettier than you, I've got everything I've ever wanted and i will get everything I want, Damian never should have picked you he could have had me! And he WILL be mine" Brittany says. "You don't even care about Colin! Your just using him to steal my boyfriend that's pathetic! And.... your toying with his feelings" I say looking at her harshly.

"I honestly don't care and it won't matter when Damian is with me and your all alone" Brittany says smirking.

"Brittany!" A voice yells we turn to see Colin stood there looking angry and hurt. Brittany's eyes widen realising she's been caught "collie I didn't mean any Of that" she says walking closer as he takes a step back "back off, you LIED to me and were using me to get to Damian" he says upset " no...I-I" Brittany trues to say "no point trying to explain we're over" he says and her face instantly changes "you won't find anyone like me" she says as Colin laughs and says "that's the point" Brittany storms off.

"Look Colin I'm sorry about this I-" I was cut off by Colin "nah it's cool I mean looking out for friends right? I just needed someone to show me her true colours and I've been trying to break up with her for a months now so uh... thanks" he says as I nod.

I grab drinks from Jon and Damian and hand one to Irey and myself. We did a toast "to friends" and clinked our glasses and enjoyed the rest of the day.

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