Chapter 17

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Kiara's pov
It was time to return to Gotham academy. I stood at the gates of the school once again as I waited for Damian. Bart and Irey came up to us. "Hey guys I thought you went back to metropolis?" Bart asked. "Umm.... yeah we thought we were gonna too but then dad said that he was in a fight with lex Luthor and him, Batman and wonder woman Umm... they..." Jon said confused "they trashed our school...basically and dad managed to get us transferred here" I finished for Jon. Damian walked up to us. "Damian!" I yelled and hugged him. "Kiara? Kent? What are you guys doing here?" Damian asked confused. "Trio. Fight. Luthor. Trash school." I said summing up the whole thing. He nods and we walk to our lockers together. As I was at our locker Brittany came up to me. "Ugh...your still here" she said "Yeah I am" I said putting on a fake smile. "I can't believe Damian's keeping you around. When he can have me. I don't even know what he sees in you" she said. By now there was a crowd of people surrounding us "I'm sorry was that supposed to offend me the only thing offending me here is your face" I said smirking while everyone was like 'ooooh'. "You wish you had this" she said referencing to her whole body. " all I wish for is for me to not have to see your face every frickin day. I'll try to see it from you perspective but I can't get my head that far up my ass" I said. " you just made a big mistake" she growled. " you wanna talk mistakes ask your parents" I said laughing. Everyone cheered for me as she growled and stormed off. I turned around to be met with dropped jaws " h-how d-did you just do that?!?!" Irey asked. "I'm not just gonna stand there and let someone just think they can come up to and say shit like that." I replied then we went to class. I Walked in and everyone congratulated me saying how brave I was and nobody could do that and stuff. Brittany stormed into class and sat down they all shut up except for me. I continued talking and then I looked at everyone else and signaled them to continue to and that's when Brittany got up and walked to a girls desk. Her name was Annabelle and in the short while that I have been here I know she is smart, quiet and independent. So when Brittany walked up to her and slammed her hand on the desk, I got a bit angry. Brittany started yelling at the girl and basically bullying her. "Nobody likes you, your worthless" as those words left her mouth I lost it. I walked up to her desk with Irey and stood in between Brittany and Annabelle. "Back off!" I growled. "Or what? Huh! What are you gonna do about it?" She taunted me. I resisted the urge to laser her face off I grabbed my bracelet and wrapped it around my wrist so my powers don't slip out and I gripped my necklace that mom left me. Brittany saw this and yanked it off my neck. Leaving a red mark on my neck. That's when the boys came to us. "Give it back!" I yelled at her causing her to flinch slightly. "Or what? I think I'm gonna hold onto this" she was about to put it on when I grabbed her wrist squeezing it tightly and looked her in the eyes "give it back now!" I said through gritted teeth. That's when I grabbed it and pushed her away. She came up to me and slapped me that's when I lunged at her and beat the shit out of her then Damian pulled me off her as the teacher walked in. "Kiara Kent, Brittany Jones, Damian Wayne Annabelle Dawson the principals office now!" Our teacher said. I got up and had a cut lip and a few scratches however Brittany had a split lip, black eye and bruises. We reached and they called our parents in. We were all stood there waiting for our parents when my dad and Bruce came in and then Annabelle mom and Brittany's mom. "Ah mr Wayne, mr Kent mrs Dawson and mrs Jones come in to my office" we all entered. "I have called you here cause your kids got into a fight" my dad looked at me and saw my lip and said "are you ok?" I nodded. "I'd like you to explain what happened." The principal said "Each if you will be given a chance to speak Brittany you go first" he gestured to her. "Sir I'm a good person and I didn't do nothing wrong I walked into class and sat at my desk and then all of a sudden I saw Kiara bullying poor Annabelle here and I went over to tell her to stop then she attacked me I was just defending myself" she said putting on a fake smile. I scoffed. "How dare you hit my daughter!" Brittany's mom said. "Exscuse me mrs Jones you think she's telling the truth?" I asked her politely. "Of course I do, my little angel wouldn't do anything" she said. "Your little angel ju—" I was cut off by principal miller. "kiara why don't you tell us your version of the story" I nodded and began "well I walked into class and sat down then I saw Brittany storm in and sit down we continued talking and then I noticed she walked up to Annabelle's desk and then slammed her hand on the table scaring her a bit then she began yelling and bullying her and she said that nobody liked her and that she was worthless and that's when I stepped in and told her to back off. I held my necklace and then she ripped it off my neck" I said moving my hair showing the red mark on my neck then I continued " she stared taunting me asking me what I'll do if she didn't give it back. I asked her to return it cause it's very special to me it belonged to my mom before she died. She was about to put it on when I snatched it and pushed her away. I didn't do anything violent then she came up to me and slapped me then we begun to fight. I was defending myself and Damian was trying to break up the fight" I said. Everyone was wide eyed at my story. "She's lying! You can't believe her she a lying cheat" Brittany and her mom said. "Do not talk about my daughter like that!" Dad said. "Everybody calm down! Is this true?" He asked looking at Annabelle and Damian they nodded. "Ok..." principal miller said. "They're lying I didn't do anything!" Brittany said trying to convince someone. "Check the cameras" I suggested Brittany sweat dropped and went pale. They went on the computer and saw the fight. Everyone glared at Brittany "there is no place in this school for bully's and cheats my daughter and this young lady were harassed today and I don't think it's appropriate for her to have to deal with this." Dad said. " I agree with clark here this girl should be removed from the school, this isn't the first person to accuse her before and to be honest she's been harassing all of my boys. "Brittany Jones it looks like your going to have to be expelled from this school" principal miller said. We all smiled and she growled "this is all your fault your gonna pay for this" "yeah I'm not too worried about that, and I don't think we're gonna be seeing you anytime soon buh-bye Britt" I said waving and smirking. Her and her mom left. Mr miller said we could all go home. Dad and Bruce came up to me and Damian. "Look I know I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten into a fight and I was wearing my bracelet so whatever damage I did was all human and I couldn't just sit there and let her do those things. Please don't be mad?" I said looking down. "Kiara honey I'm not mad I'm proud you stood up to her and stood your ground Yeah you got into a fight and yeah you got a few scratches but you stood up for what you believed in and I'm proud of you" dad said. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Thanks daddy" I said. Then annabelles mom came up to us and said "thank you for helping my daughter out I never knew this was going on, I'm happy there are people out there who would actually do something about it" I smiled and said "your welcome mrs Dawson annabelle is very smart and I'm lucky to be her friend and she didn't deserve what Brittany was doing to her". We all smiled and dad took us out for ice cream then we went to the manor so dad and Bruce can do 'hero stuff' I walked into the living room with Damian. Tim was on his laptop drinking coffee, Jason was cleaning his guns and dick was watching a movie. Damian walked up to them and yelled "code BGE" everyone turned to him and went wide eyed and smiled "no way!" "Seriously?!?!!" "Who?what? How?" Then dick got up and started singing and dancing "Brittany got expelled" oh BGE- Brittany Got Expelled "i got her expelled" i said smiling. "How you do that?" Jason Asked and after explaining the full story. "Whoa did you break it?" Jason Asked "her nose is slightly crooked" I replied. "I can't believe she's gone" then everyone continued dancing and singing until we went home.

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