Meeting the team

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Kiara's pov
I woke up excited to meet the team, yeah we grew up going to the watch tower but we never met the team before. I got up and got ready, I put on :

 I got up and got ready, I put on :

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and fixed my hair and left it open. I ran flew downstairs and sat at the table dad was making pancakes. Jon came and sat down next to me. Dad set the food infront of us we began eating "you guys excited to meet the team?" He asked "I nodded while stuffing more pancakes into my mouth. "Yeah I cant wait connors on the team right?" Jon asked dad. Dad nodded. We finished eating and used the zeta tubes to get to the bat cave where we would get the bats then go to the mountain.

We were in the bat cave and got greeted by Alfred " greeting master Kent master Jon mistress kiara" "hey Alfred" me and Jon said together. "Master Bruce is currently in a meeting he will join us shortly masters Tim dick and Jason are in the living room and master Damian is in his bedroom" Alfred told us I nodded and left when dad shouted "door open" I rolled my eyes and flew to Damian's room and knocked on the door "dami..." "come in" I walked in and couldn't see him. "Where are you?" I asked. "In the closet putting on clothes" he replied. I laid on his bed and he came out wearing jeans converse and a green hoodie. "Hey" I said going up to him kissing his cheek. "Hey you look beautiful" he said looking at me up and down. I blushed "t-thanks" "hey do you wanna watch a movie" "sure" we walked downstairs to the theatre room. We saw everyone there arguing on what to watch we came in and joined the argument. "I wanna watch horror!" I yelled everyone stopped and looked at me thinking over what I had said. "I'm down" Jason said I smiled. Damian shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever" Tim said. Dick was hesitant but didn't wanna seem scared you could literally see the fear in him. "Ok" he said. Tim picked out the movie and we all sat down. "We're watching Chucky" my eyes went wide "no n-n-n-n-no anything but that movie" I said getting anxious everyone looked at me. "She has a huge phobia of dolls and puppets" Jon told them they changed the movie and we were watching IT. Personally I think it's great but it's not scary.
We were on the part where he was about to grab the kid. Dick was screaming, Jason was like 'don't do it don't do it what the fuck I tell you not to do it' Tim was hiding under a blanket and Damian he was asleep cuddling into my shoulder. The movie ended and I woke up damian he's a light sleeper so it was easy. We walked to the cave and got told to change Tim was being paranoid after watching the movie dick was too but played it off as normal. We were in our suits when uncle Bruce and dad called us we went through the zeta tubes and got zeta beamed to mount justice. When we got there I got nervous and Damian held my hand. "Team I'd like you to meet the newest robin, supergirl and superboy." Batman said. "This is the team miss Martian, Artemis, kid flash, impulse, blue beetle, wonder girl, Lagaan, beast boy and you already know nightwing, bat girl, red robin, Arsenal and Connor" he introduced us. "They will be training you for the time being and eventually join the team when they're ready." Then they left to do league stuff. "Umm...hi" I waved at them. Bart came over to me "hey he's finally letting you join the team?" Bart said. "Yeah Bart it's kinda weird he's not like overly protective like he used to be" everyone looked at me shocked. "What why you staring at me" I asked. "How do you know who he is? Did you use your x ray vision to find out" kid flash asked. " firstly Bart is my friend from school and I know him cause he is uncle Barry's grandson And he is my friend and second no I did not use my x ray vision cause I respect people's privacy." I said glaring at kid flash. "Oh... sorry" kid flash said. "I'm wally west." He stuck out his hand I shook it. "I'm Garfield Logan" "Cassie" "Jaime" they introduced. "I'm kiara and that's Jon, can't tell you his uncle bats would kill us" I said pointing at Damian. Everyone left except the original members and Bart and they gave us a tour. I walked up to my Connor who was basically my big brother. "Hey con I haven't seen you in ages" I hugged him. "Hey Kia how's it been going anything new going on in your life" he asked. "Not really I became supergirl got a boyfriend I'm thinking about dying my hair" I got interrupted by Connor "wait what did you say?" " I'm thinking about dying my hair?" I ask knowing what he was really questioning. "No, before that" "I became supergirl" "kiara after that and before dying your hair" "I got a boyfriend" I mumbled. " who?" He asked getting angry. "First Promise you won't do anything to him" "who is he kiara" "promise me first" "fine I promise I won't do anything to him" "it's r-robin" he looked at me then robin then back at me "him!"he said pointing at robin I smiled and nodded. Everyone else just watched cause they didn't know what to do. "Your okay with this?" He asked Jon. "I already gave him the talk and dad interrogated them" he shrugged. "He's my bestfriend He's dick and tim's brother" Connor sighed. "You Hurt her I  break you" Connor threatened. Damian nodded and we continued the tour. We finished and we're just messing about when someone said "let's play truth or dare" so we sat in a circle and I was in between Damian and Bart. "I'll go first" I said. "Ok red truth or dare" Tim thought cause he knew I'd ask him about his crush. "Dare" he smirked I smirked back. "Kiss your crush" his smirk turned into embarrassment thinking how i outsmarted him. Next to him sat Stephanie AKA batgirl. I knew he was crushing on her and would be a wimp about it so I thought I'd give him a little nudge. He turned to Stephanie and kissed her then Steph kissed back then Tim poured out his feelings next thing you know this happened "be my girlfriend?" "Thought you'd never ask" then kiss. "Ok we get it you like each other don't make me regret setting you up" they then realised everyone was still here then they went red. "Ok my turn kiara truth or dare" Tim asked me. "Truth" I said "I got nothing to hide" Tim smirked "were you the one who tampered with Jason's gun and made it play that song again and again then blamed it on Me."Tim said "except that" I said "Wait what! That was you whatever that song said was a lie it took a weak for nightwing to get the tech out to stop the song and every time I tried shooting someone that song came on I mean like I'm being like a badass scaring some idiots then I get out my gun they're begging for their lives I pull the trigger and then that song comes on" Jason said. I nodded "I can explain it was a dare and nighthwing dared me to do it then uncle bats came in and so did you and I would have blamed it on dick but figured he'd be less mad if it was Tim and that you would just add it to the list of things to yell about sorry" I rambled. "Kiara chill it's fine I blamed the table breaking on you" he said I nodded not wanting to get into that. "I'll go next" Jason said "arsenal truth or dare" "dare" I shook my head sympathetically. " I dare you to go and dye your hair pink" Jason pulled out a bottle of pink hair dye. " why do you have a bottle of pink hair dye?" Damian asked. "Figured we'd play this we always play this" he replied handing it to Roy 10 minutes later he came back with pink hair. After 20 more minutes of playing. Artemis was in wallys lap, Arsenal still had pink hair and Bart had green, Garfield was covered in mud, megan was Upside down, Connor and dick were half naked, lagaan had a fish bowl on his head, Jason was soaked, Tim was wearing his clothes inside out, Steph was wearing tims clothes, Jon was throwing up after drinking something Jason made and me and Damian were stuck together literally like our hands were cuffed together and we couldn't get out it was like lead cuffs they were indestructible the only thing to get out was with the key. Then I got a text from dad saying 'hey sweetie be back in 15 minutes' I looked at the team with wide eyes "what?" Jon said looking at me "dad and uncle bats and the league will be here in less than 20 minutes!!!!" I yelled everyone got up and ran lagaan removed the fish bowl, Tim and Stephanie changed, dick and Connor put their clothes back on, Artemis got off of wally, gar showered , Megan went right side up, Jason dried off , Jon cleaned himself up, Bart and arsenal went to wash their hair, and me and Damian tried to get off the cuffs which wouldn't come off. "In 10 minutes everyone made it back and sat down "everything fixed?" Dick asked. Yeahs were heard by everyone except me "no who has the key for this" i said holding up our hands. Everyone looked at each other. " Umm..." "don't tell me you lost it what are we gonna..." i was interrupted by the computer calling out names 'Batman b01 superman b02 Wonder Woman b03 flash b04 green arrow b05 Martian manhunter b06 black canary b07 aquaman b08....
I quickly hid our hands. "Hey dad" I said innocently. "Did you guys enjoy the mountain!" Dad asked "Yeah.. definitely it was...." Jon began "a unique experience" I finished for him. We all nodded. "Come on guys we're going home" dad said. "Can we stay longer?" I asked cause I was still stuck to Damian. Not that I minded being stuck with my boyfriend it's just that dad wouldn't be too happy. "They could stay here tonight" Connor suggested. "I don't know..." dad said "please, daddy" I said giving him the puppy eyes. "Ok" he said. I was relieved. "I'll go get our stuff Jon said. "We could stay too" nightwing said putting a hand on Damian's shoulder he shrugged dicks hand off and uncle Bruce nodded. They left and it left only uncle Barry and uncle Ollie. "What really happened before we came?" He said everyone looked down he looked at me "kiara?" He said smirking " we were doing fine until Wally suggested to play truth or dare then it went down hill Bart and arsenal have pink and green hair, everything else was reversable all they need is a couple more washes to get the dye out however we might have a teeny tiny problem" I said as I raised my hand and showed the hand cuffs and Bart and arsenal took off their hats. Uncle Barry and uncle Ollie began laughing. "It's not funny help us or dad and uncle bats will kill us" I said. Uncle Ollie went to help the boys with their hair while uncle Barry helped us. First he tried phasing our hands through true cuffs which didn't work then tried lazoring us out which didn't work then tried buttering us out which didn't work eventually after ten tries we gave up and so did he. " sorry kiddo your stuck, what happened to the key" he asked. "Some imbecile melted it" Damian replied.
Eventually it got late so we went to bed me and Damian had to sleep together cause of our condition. So we cuddled in bed and went to sleep.

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