Meeting dads girlfriend part2

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Lois lane:

Kiara's povWe finally arrived at the restaurant and waited outside

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Kiara's pov
We finally arrived at the restaurant and waited outside. A tall beautiful woman with dark raven hair and piercing blue eyes walked over. She hugged my dad and then turned to us. "Hi I'm Lois" she said offering a gentle smile

"Um... hi I'm kiara and that's Jon" I said shyly. "Oh yes the twins, your dad always talks about you guys" Lois said.

"OMG I love your dress" Lois said "thank you..." i said shyly. God why am I being so shy,
I looked at dad who nodded and him and Bruce guided us to our table and we all sat down with me in between Jon and Damian. Opposite us was dad with Bruce on his left and Lois on his right.
Next to Damian was Jason and next to him was Bruce. On the other side of Jon was Tim and next to him was dick and next to him was Lois.

We all sat and ordered and I was still feeling nervous so I grabbed dami and Jon's hand, a habit I've had since I was younger. They both gave me a reassuring squeeze as a small smile made its way onto my face.

We then ordered and began small talk. "So Lois what do you do?"  "Oh my profession? I'm a reporter at the daily planet" she replied.

"Is that how you met?" She smiled fondly at the question before responding "no, actually we met at a cafe where he spilt coffee all over me right before I had my interview with Mr white. Luckily I managed to get the job and ended up working with Clark. He's a clutz so he would always trip and it always made me laugh. He then asked me one day for a date and I said yes so that's why we always at that cafe. A chocolate chip mocha" she said smiling causing me to smile at her. "Aww"everyone said but me damian Bruce and dad.

We finished dinner and were walking around the boys had walked ahead while I was trailing behind them, all of a sudden Lois approached me.

"Hey" she said "h-hey.." "are you ok?" "Yeah.... I'm fine" I said nervously "you don't have to be nervous around me kiara" she said trying to make me open up a bit more. I just looked down "Is it because I'm with your dad?" She asked hopeful "no of course not! It's just that... it's gonna just need a little getting used to, I mean dad hasn't been with many women for that long, well long enough for him to introduce his children too.  Which makes you different than the others, and you make my dad happy so..... yeah, I just don't want him to ya know forget about us..." I said looking down.

She stopped me and put her hands on my forearms "he won't forget about you, Kiara he loves you and Jon, your his kids, all he does is talk about you and shows literally everyone baby pics of you guys which are absolutely adorable, I'm not gonna get in between you guys, he is yours when you need him and he will always be there for you and I'm hoping if you'd let me I would be there for you too" Lois said. I smiled and pulled her into a hug "thank you" I whispered as I wiped my eyes that had tears flowing down them.

We dropped Lois off home and we went back to the apartment, we all got out of our clothes and into pyjamas and sat there in the living room "So what did you Guys think?" Dad asked a Chorus of 'greats' and 'Nice' could be heard and that's when I spoke out "I like her" dad smiled at me and I smiled back "now can I ask you guys something?" Dad asked "sure". "How did you guys find out about us?"

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