Chapter 20

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Kiara pov
I was waiting at the park for Irey because she said she wanted to have a girls day. I was sat on a bench just looking at my phone when all of a sudden a hand went on my mouth and instinctively I yanked it and flipped the person over and realised it was Irey "OMG I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I ask as I help her up. "Yeah I'm fine, speed healing remember" she replied as I let out a sigh or relief. "You scared me" i Said And she began laughing. I playfully nudged her shoulder and we were off to the mall.

After shopping for clothes and stuff I saw a salon and said "should I get my hair done now?" I ask irey "Yeah go for it" she replied so we walked over into the shop and I told the lady what I wanted and we picked out a nice shade of pinkish peach and the hair salonist(?) lady person began dying my hair. Once it was dyed she rinsed and blowdried my hair then styled it with loose curls.

 Once it was dyed she rinsed and blowdried my hair then styled it with loose curls

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"Wow!" Irey said as I looked at my new hair in the mirror. "You think Damian would like it?" I ask slightly blushing at the thought of him. "Hell yeah! I wanna get something done too!" Irey said. "Hold your horses Irey! It took me weeks to convince my dad about this, who says your parents are gonna be any easier plus I thought red hair was a west family thing?"I replied. "Yeah... your right, ok I'm hungry let's go!" She said getting up. While I mumbled "Your always hungry."

We went and got takeout enough for everyone and returned to the cave "honey I'm home!" I yelled and everyone turned to see who was yelling and then stopped when they saw my hair then I said "with food!" And immediately Bart and wally grabbed the food from my hands and sat with Irey who was on the floor already devouring half her food. Everyone was staring at me like I did something crazy "what?" I ask. "Your-Your hair!" Jon asked coming to me. "Yeah you like it?" I asked and he was still in shock. "Does dad know?" He asked and I nodded. "How did you?" He asked "Well first I asked can I? He said no then I asked please? he said no then I said I was whether he liked it or not and then he said I remind him of mom and then he loosened up to the idea of me doing it plus I'm his favourite" I replied "no your not" he replied
"Yeah I am"
"No your not!"
I was cut off by Damian "ok stop! Your equal now just be quiet please!" He yelled. While we both nodded. "Do you like it?" I asked Damian. "Yes if you like it I like it" he said and I hugged him.

After all that we ate the food and dad said to come home so we did. And as soon as I walked in dad looked shocked "what? You said I could" I quickly say. "No it's not that it's just when your mom was younger she got her hair done like that in that colour she had it for a a month then got rid of it" dad said and I smiled and walked to my room "I'm not getting rid of it!" I yelled . "We'll see!" He yelled back.

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