Kidnapped part 1

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Requested by @Thesilverscarlettrose
Request- how about making a chapter where kiara gets kidnapped and when she gets rescued she's broken and has trouble overcoming what's she's been through. Enjoy!

Kiara's pov
Everything was going great. Me and Damian were getting serious, Brittany was gone, school was okay, I had friends and family who cared, my outfit was cute, what could've gone wrong?
Right now I'm in a dark room tied up with bits of kryptonite around me making me weak not enough to kill me but enough to drain my energy.
It all started yesterday....
"Hey Damian" I said walking into the manner. "Hello beloved you look beautiful" he replied as I blushed and mumbled a quiet thanks. We walked up to his room and I sat on his bed "you wanted to talk?" I asked "yes I did, I uh... got something for you" he replied nervously. "You didn't have to Damian" I said. He got out the box and opened it to show a beautiful heart shaped locket with my beloved engraved into it. "Oh dami... it's beautiful" I said as he moved my hair to my side and put it on me. "I wanted to tell you I love you" I looked up at him and kissed him "I love you too" I hugged him. We were leaning in for another kiss and right when Our lips were about to touch  I got a text from my dad saying to come home. "Sorry just ruined the moment, my dad wants me home" I said. "It's fine go, see you tomorrow beloved." He said kissing my cheek. As I walked out I felt as if I'm being watched I turned around and used my X-ray vision and saw someone I didn't react so the follower wouldn't do anything. I continued walking and made it into a ally way then a roof top the person lost me and began walking round the rooftop as I came up behind them I asked "why are you following me?!" The person turned around to reveal a tall women with lightly tanned skin with brown hair and green emerald eyes. She was wearing a black skin tight body suit. She came up to me "Well aren't you a smart one" she said "who are you?" I asked curiously this woman seemed familiar "Talia al ghul, Damian's mother" she replied. My eyes grew wide. But then I went back to normal "what do you want with me?" I asked "my son won't return to me willingly, and I need an heir so we're gonna take you and see if he reconsiders my request" she replied smirking as I took steps back. Then all of a sudden getting stabbed with a green dagger then hit over the head knocking me unconscious.

So that where I am now I've been sat here for I don't know how long. I'm extremely weak with all the kryptonite surrounding me, I can just about keep my head up and the constant torture every once in a while doesn't help with me practically being human with all the kryptonite surrounding. Being here had broken me in a way. They were messing with me and injecting me with things making me see things. After they realised the physical torture wouldn't really affect me they found a way that did and let me tell you I'm not the same I'm.. I'm Broken damaged. And probably unwanted seeing as nobody had come for me yet. I sat there emotionless as tears fell down my cheeks.

>time skip 2 days later<

I heard crashing coming form outside followed by grunts and screams of pain. It had been a week since I'd been taken and I had been starved so I didn't even have the energy to sit up never mind stand up. The green kryptonite had still a big affect on me increasing my weakness. But for some reason this wasn't like the other times I actually had hope that someone would save me from this hell hole. The door got kicked down as Damian ran in with Jon wearing their suits and Damian came to me and tried touching me but I backed away "no... your not really here it's just one of their tricks!" I yelled to him "I'm here.... beloved I'm here"he said touching my arm. I looked up to him and hugged him "You're here you're really here" I said. Then he picked me up bridal style and ran out with me. Then I saw the rest of the bat family fighting off the ninjas we all ran to the bat wing and flew away. I wish my dad was here but he was on a off world mission that too he went the day I was taken.
When we got on the bat wing Jon came to me and hugged me. Neither Jon nor Damian left my side. I hadn't said a word to anyone, I couldn't help but think about what I was told how I was broken and everything they said it was true. I was weak and useless I was pathetic and I don't know why... Damian doesn't deserve someone like me... talia was right I'm not worthy. I'm damaged and broken.

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