Run, Kid, Run

12 2 2

Run, kid, run
Achieve your goals as soon as you can, but what then?
Another goal?
Then keep running, as fast as you can
Run without breathing, don't look back,
Your heart is one step away from bursting, but what for?
You reached your goal, but for what price?

No achievement is worth your soul being broken,
Nothing will bring those days and nights back,
Nothing will bring your health and happiness back
And someday you will look back and wonder:
Why didn't I walk?

From 1 to 10, from A to F,
A and 10 being the best,
What letter and what number are you?
Wrong, wrong, wrong
Nothing defines you
There aren't only 10 or 6 humans on earth
You're not your grades, your body, your face or someone's opinion
You're your passions, dreams and hopes
You are how you talk to others, your intentions and your favourite songs
You are yourself and that's enough and a lot more

Will B or 9 be enough?
Would A or 10 be?
Probably not.
Because nothing will be enough for you.
You see, sometimes nothing will be enough to feel the emptiness in our hearts that scream to be filled
So it isn't your fault if you think you aren't enough
Maybe it's the world's
But your high expectations on yourself are worthless
If you don't notice how amazing you are doing right now

Some say who live are cowards,
Because they are scared to die,
But I think the other way
Because to die is easy
But to live is not

You don't need to rush
You'll be on time
At your own speed
In the right place
When you're ready
To be wonderfully and completely,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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