Chapter 3: Jerk

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The music was loud and Adam and I was having a good time. Okay I lied, we were having an magnificent time! We were sitting down on the sofa, drinking, talking and laughing. Our feet was starting to feel over used from all the dancing so we decided to park it somewhere. Turns out Adam is a great dancer. And me, well...let's just forget that.

"I can't believe you did that!" I said in a loud voice so he can hear me over the loud music.

Adam chuckled "I know. I know. I felt so bad that I was trying to think of every way possible for him to forgive me."

"That's crazy." I giggled. "Who knew Adam Backwood was a crazy man?"

"And who knew Cameron Green was a beautiful, sexy woman?" He said giving me a flirtatious smirk while staring deep in my eyes. Normally I would freak out because he called me 'beautiful ' and 'sexy' but right now I was too caught up in his eyes and had to admit he was caught up in mines. For a good second it was like we were the only ones there and it felt magical; amazing. I didn't know just by staring deeply into his beautiful bright blue eyes that I could like him even more than what I already I did. Yet I did.

Adam slowly leaned closer to my face and planted his lips on to mines. He had soft lips; soft as flower and they were moving slowly with mines. I was really kissing my crush right now. THIS IS CRAZY! But I'm not complaining. It felt right, nice, beautiful, everything you can name. This moment was truly amazing until-

"There u-oh wow! Um.."

We broke the kiss to look up to who interpreted us. It was of course Noah. I should of known.
Noah was standing there scratching the back of his head like he was uncomfortable "Uh, sorry to disturb you two lil make-out session but I'm about to go, I'm not feeling the party tonight. U ready Cam?"

Dam it. "Um, yea, sure." I stood up fixing my dress looking down at Adam. "I'll see you tomorrow, at school?"

"Definitely. Have a nice night ,Cameron" Adam said giving me one of those beautiful smiles of his. Man why couldn't this night last longer.

"I'll see you at practice tomorrow, bro. Catch you later." Noah told Adam before rushing me out the house and into his car.

On our way home none of us said a word to each other. Mainly because I was still caught up in the fact that Adam and I freaking kissed. Someone who I never thought would noticed me nor know my name for that sake.

"It hasn't even been a full a hour and you're already daydreaming over there about you two locking lips." Noah scoffed. "Women."

I rolled my eyes and turnt my head from looking out the window "oh so be it. It was a magical moment for me. Leave me alone."

"Wait a minute. Was that your first kiss?" He asked taking mini glances at me while still trying to pay attention to the rode.


"Yes it was"

"No it wasn't!"

"Ha. Liar!"

"I'm not lying "

"Yes you are. Every-time you lie the tip of your
ears get red like now. That was your first kiss." Noah said in amusement. By the heat of my ears I could already tell he was right. Dang it. How did he know about my ear lying thing.

I crossed my arms and looked straight ahead to avoid making eye contact with him because of the embarrassment. Yea, I'm a senior and never been kissed before and Adam was my first. So what? I'm not ashamed of it. I see it as I was waiting for the right someone and moment to make it happen; better than going around and kissing guys that I don't even truly like. "Fine. He was my first. But I don't regret it at all. At least I got to share it with someone who I genuinely like and not to throw it out there or anything but by the looks of it Adam seem to like it too." I stated.

Noah gave a little laugh." Yea,okay. Anyways, wanna listen to music?"

"What is that suppose to mean?" My face now was looking in his direction again showing anger and confusion at the same time. What was so funny about what I said with Adam and I?

"It means. What do u want to listen-"

"No. I meant the whole like ' yea okay' "

"Oh that; I said 'yea okay' because it's pretty clear to see." Noah plainly stated "That was just a 'in the moment' type of kiss. Meaning you both got caught up in the little moment you two were having and ended up kissing. Not genuine."

I scoffed. "That's not true and even if it was; the kiss was genuine to me."

Noah eyed me before staring "yea you but what about Adam? Was it really genuine to him? Think about it."

Was it genuine? Or was it was just in the moment like Noah said? Having that thought in my mind changed my whole mood. I don't want it be he kissed me just to kissed me, especially since it was my first. I now is starting to feel upset about the whole thing. Did I really just give my first away for whatever? No. No. Adam is a nice guy and if it wasn't really meant ful then he would of pulled away. Noah was just being an typical ass.

"You know, you're an asshole!" I screamed at him. "You knew about my feelings towards Adam since 1st grade. You were there when it all started and knew everything I've been through to try to talk him and the hurt I felt every time he would have a girlfriend or some girl up on him. And when I finally get the courage to ask you to help me finally get him after these years you go and try to ruin everything! The moment! By saying messed up shit just to see me hurt and upset. How can you be such prickly asshole jerk?!" I was fuming. I don't care if i went a little overboard and dramatic mode. Noah is suppose to be friend my childhood friend at that, he is suppose to want to see me happy not sad and lonely .

We got to a red light and that's when it really went down. "How am I the asshole?! I said I would help you right? Okay then! The only thing i was doing was saying the truth. I didn't tell you to go around and kissed Adam on the night you just started to talk to him. It's not my fault you have a stupid crush on a guy that doesn't even like you. Hell I'm pretty sure he didn't even remember you or your name until I introduced you!"

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. What Noah said hit home run. He made me feel pathetic and I didn't like that feeling. At this point I didn't want to look at Noah. Or be in his dumb with him. I just wanted to be at my house already alone and away from him.

"Don't call , text or even talk to me anymore. Hurry up and take me home, you dick." I spatted in angry. My legs were shaking. I really wanted to slap him upside of the head for hurting my feelings but if I did I wouldn't of stop anytime soon. Instead to calm myself, I looked back out the window the rest of the way home.

As soon as I got home I ran up the stairs and into my room slamming my door. I plopped on my bed. "Ugh! That jerk." I yelled throwing one of my pillows off my bed in a fit. This night was suppose to be great but instead it toke a big left turn into the worst path. Adam may toke away my first kiss for fun and now Noah and I aren't friends. This is prime example why I don't go parties and leave the house.

After my little fit,I decided to get up ,wash up and jump into bed. A good night sleep sounds terrific at this second. I pulled the covers up to my shoulders , switch off the lamp by my bed and laid my head down on my pillow. My eyes were closed for a good five minutes, then the notification sound from my phone caused them to pop open. Right when I was about to fall asleep too. Picking up my phone off the night stand and clicking my phone to turn it on. I suddenly got surprised by the text that was on my home screen

I'm sorry...😕


Thank you for reading my story this is my first time ever writing so if it doesn't sound right or there's grammars then I am sorry. But until next chapter.💜

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