Chapter 29: "Wake up..please Cameron."

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Adam's POV

I was shaking, all over. My hands twitches rapidly as my veins were nearly popping out of them. And I couldn't stop bouncing my right leg up and down; anxious but more scared.

How could I let this happen?

I'm so stupid. So dam stupid.

This is all my fault.

I knew the minute Cameron received that call from someone in the school's parking lot; that it was nothing but bad news. I had gotten this bad feeling inside. Yet I let her walk away still.

Luckily , I got the idea to use the map on Snapchat to see where she was. Thank god, I got there before it got worse than what it did. But still, that doesn't changed the fact that Cameron's lying up in the hospital, bruised all over , and unconscious.

"Where is she?! Where is my daughter?" I heard someone yelled as the doors to the hospital busted opened. That's Cameron's mom. I know that because I remember seeing her looking out the window the day I picked Cameron up for our first date. Never did I get a chance to meet her. Sucks we have to meet like this.

"I wanna know where my daughter is!"

"Ma'am, I need to calm down and lower your voice." The nurse at the front desk said.

"Not until you tell me my baby girl is?!"

"Do I need to call security?"

I could see Cameron's mom ready to explode, before she did so, I stood up from the chair and stepped in. "I got this. There's no need to call security. Let's step over her Ms. Green." I slowly ushered her over to the side away from the desk.

"Who the hell are you?" She said giving me a questioning look.

"I'm Adam. Cameron's friend." I softly spoke. Once I said my name a light bulb went off inside her head and she suddenly loosened up.

"Where's Cameron? I got a call saying she they had taken her to hospital. Is she okay?" Ms. Green voice crack, her eyes filled with worried and sadness. A look that only made me feel even worse and guilty. Again, this is all my fault.

I dropped my head down, not being able to look at her directly in the eyes for what I was about to say. "I don't know... the doctors didn't tell me much because I'm not family. Only thing I was told was the hard impact from the kick to the head did some things.. she's unconscious at the time-and maybe for a while. That was all the information I managed to get."

"Oh my god." She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

"She's in room 107." I said looking to the direction where her room was headed in. "I'm sorry."

Ms. Green didn't waste any time hurrying down the hall to see her daughter. While I just stayed behind. Going in there with her isn't something I can bring myself to do at the moment. She needs to be alone with her daughter anyways.

'I'm sorry ' was the only thing I could do. I couldn't help Cameron heal. I couldn't make her wake up. And I sure and hell couldn't go back and time and stop this from even happening. The only thing I can do is apologize over and over and over. Not for sympathy; because I truly did feel sorry.

As for the reason Cameron's in the hospital in the first place, Noah's dad. The police toke him into custody immediately when they arrived at the warehouse. I couldn't wrap my head around it. How can someone ex own father do something like this? No, matter of fact, how can the guy that claims to like her, claims to have feelings for her, gives her the title of 'his girl' not help her. More importantly come see her at the fucking hospital as she can't move an inch in her body nor open her eyes.

I'm furious. Beyond furious. So furious that I just want to beat the living shit out of Noah, friend or not.

But now isn't the time. I'll deal with his ass later. Mainly because who knows where is at and plus he is not important, Cameron is.


It's been three weeks since Cameron been placed in the hospital; she still hasn't awoken. Every other day, after school, I come and visit to check up on her..see if she's happen to open your eyes while I've been gone. Her best friend Mia been visiting as well. She would sit at the edge of the bed and catch her up on all the gossip and new things that she missed. She really misses and care for her.

When you walked into Cameron's hospital room, you will see flowers upon flowers placed all over room. The many people that visited so far brought her favorite flowers 'Julia Child' roses.

Ms. Green mention cam loved them because of the beautiful-vibrant yellow they hold.

I just want you to wake up at this point. It's been too long.


I scooted the chair that was by her bed closer to her, watching her as she laid there looking sincere than ever. "Come on Cameron. We're all rooting for you. Keep fighting, you can do it." I reached out and placed my hand on top of hers. "I know you can."

You can do it. I deep sigh and removed my hand away. I went back to watching her but suddenly I saw a figure in the corner of my eye appeared at the door. I looked towards the wide-open door and saw the last person I wanted to see right now. The anger started to rise in me, my jaw clenched tightly.

Son of bitch.



Sadly to say, this story is coming to an end very soon🥺 wow I can't even imagine it. This was my first ever story. Hopeful you guys will continue to support and read other stories I may put out after this. Until next few chapters!💕

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