Chapter 32: This Is It

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Months Later

Today was the day. The day some people been waiting for and the day some dread. Graduation day. It was both for me. I was ready but at the same time I guess you can say I was bit scared.

Life hasn't been all peachy the last months. With everything that had happen. I managed to get back on track and get my ducks in a row.

On the bright side, after four long tiring years; I'm glad to be finally done with high school. Yet the thought of what the future holds, what I wanna do in the future, college and all that, it makes me panic. I mean who wouldn't? Reality is basically slapping me in the face right now.

But I can't panic, not now of course. At any second now, having sweat dripping down face and big sweat stains on my gown, isn't quite the look for a such a special event.

"My little girl isn't so little anymore." I heard coming from behind. In the mirror I was checking myself out in I saw my mom leaning against the door frame, watching me with a smile.

It toke me awhile to forgive my mother for what she did. I didn't hate her, but things weren't the same between us. We didn't talk like before, dinner at the table was quiet, and instead of hanging with each other the days we could; I spent locked in my room. Eventually I dropped it and pushed it behind us. She's my mom, the only person who was there for me since day one unlike my dad. I couldn't spend my entire life mad at her no matter how upset and angry she made me.

"Are you ready for your big day?" She said, approaching me and putting her hands on my shoulders.

I turnt to face her. "Yes..." I said with a small smile.

She giggled. "You don't sound ready."

"What? I'm so ready. Like I'm ready ready. Ready than ever. Woo!" I said , throwing my hands up in a cheer. Who was I kidding? I'm far from ready and I knew my mom knew as well.

"What's wrong?" Mom said with a smile but concern in her voice.

I dropped my hands and my excitement; sighing. "Scared. Really scared,mom."

"Of what?"

"Everything. " I said, looking down. "Since school begin, all I've been talking about was how much I was ready to leave and be done. And now that I am, it all seems unreal and a bit upsetting. I mean I'm going to miss everything about high school from the fun events to my friends. I don't know if I'm ready for the after high school life."

"Honey, look at me." I did so, picking my head up as she slide her hands down to my hands; holding them. "I know it may seem a bit terrifying right now. I've been in your shoes before. But trust me, everything is going to be okay, actually better than okay. You're going to make new memories or even so more. Experience things you've never experience before. Seem the true meaning of life. And as for your friends, they are stilling going to your friends. You can always contact them and hang out. You got this, I know you do sweetie. Okay?"

I nodded my head. She's right. One hundred percent right.I was panicking over nothing. I didn't go through so much and break sweat everyday, just to doubt myself and back down. I do got this. "Thank you mom." I smiled for real this time, giving her a big tight hug.

She hugged me back, patting my back in comfort. "Anytime sweetie." We stay like so for a while before pulling away. "Now, lets get you going. You have a diploma to receive."

"I'm right behind you." I tell her as she walks out of the room. I turnt back around to look into the mirror in the corner of my room. Making sure I look just about right. But I was missing something. I picked up the red up the blue cap and place it directly on to my head. There. Now it's right.

I finished browsing and was ready to head out the door. But before I could walk even further, my feet stopped me in front of the window. I slowly looked out of it and at the bedroom window across from me.

"We did it Noah..." I whispered to myself, closing my blinds and heading out.



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