Chapter 30: Pain

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"You have some nerve coming here." I scowled, clenching my fist together. It was taking everything in me not to speed over to where he was standing and beat him to a pulp. But I know if Cameron was to find out she would hate me.

"Honestly, you're really brave walking up in here after ghostin everyone including her for weeks, Noah!" I was stuck between the emotions of happiness and anger seeing Noah at the door of Cameron's hospital room. Happy that he didn't end up hurt or worse dead, but beyond angry that he up and vanished out our life's without one single call nor text. What type of friend does that?

An asshole that's who.

I proceeded on, dissing him. "What? Cat got your tongue? Or did you finally realized how fucked you are?" He didn't say anything. No comeback, no slick comment, nothing; not one word. What the hell.

That's when I realized Noah was not even looking or paying attention to me. He was staring at Cameron, lying down on the bed, still unconscious.

After standing in the doorway for a minute now, Noah slowly walked over to the hospital bed. Once he got closer to Cameron, he reached his hand out to touch her's but instantly pulled it back before they could come in touch. He's hesitant. Almost as if he is afraid to touch her, even so be close by her. "Is it true?" Noah said in a whispered, still keeping his eyes locked on Cameron.

"Is what true?" I questioned.

"That my- that my father did this."

I deep sigh before answering. "Yes." Noah dropped his head down, squeezing his hands together with all his strength. As much as he hated to know the truth; I hate to admit it. I mean I've known Noah and his parents; especially his dad, for years now. Our dad's played basketball together just like us when they were in high school. Because they were good teammates and friends, we would be around each other often.

It's hard to take in that your own friends dad, someone you know well, could ever possibly do something as far as this. That shit not easy to know.

"My father, where is he?"

"The cops toke him."

"And where were you when this was all happening?!" Noah suddenly snapped, turning his head towards my direction as he clench his jaw.

Is he serious right now?

I scoffed. "Where was I? Where the fuck were you?! Out of everybody you should of been the first one there, stopping it, preventing it from happening. After all you are her whack ass boyfriend! Or shall I say ex now!"

"You don't know shit!" He growled.

"Yea, you right I don't know anything. But what I do know is that Cameron has been lying in this fuck ass hospital for some time now still not awake and you weren't there for her! Shit Noah, your quick to put the blame on somebody in a heart beat yet can't take time to take a step back and see you are to blame for too. You cheated on her with Olivia. Then ran away like a coward you are and now this happen!"

Noah's face dropped, and his eyebrows furrowed . "How the hell did you know about Olivia?"


"You." He said with a pierce voice. "You were the one who sent Cameron that envelope.."

"I don't know-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Noah cane charging at me. Grabbing the collar of my shirt and slamming me against the wall. His face plastered with anger and redness appeared in his eyes. I never saw him be this angry before, ever.

"You son of a bitch!" He screamed in my face. "Everything was fine. It was all going great before you butt in and ruined everything!" Noah jacked me up even more against the wall.

I wasn't scared of Noah. Only scared of the consequences that might come out of the truth. Then again, enjoy damage is already done. What possibly could happen that isn't worse than what's occurred?

"Fine." I said, prying his hands off of my collar and fixing myself. "Yea I did it. I was the one that put that envelope that was filled with screenshots of you and Olivia conversation on Cameron's front porch." I admitted, Noah's nostril flare and he clenched his jaw once more. "It was fucked up move, that I'll admit. I had no business in doing so, but at the same time Cameron is a wonderful girl. She didn't deserve the stupid choice that you decided to make. From what I saw at school, she treated you right and gave you nothing but care and affection; and what do you do? You go and sleep with a girl that goes from guy to guy at school! Someone who doesn't care about you like Cameron does. Who doesn't feel the way Cameron feels about you. Besides, Olivia is the one who put me up to it in the first place. So if you're going to be mad at anybody be mad at her. More so ever yourself."

Ending on that note. I walked away; out of the room, bumping into Noah's shoulder on the way out.

Truth is out...finally. I hate it had to be revealed like this, yet I'm glad it did. Ever since that day it's guilt has been eating me up inside. Every-time I looked at Cameron all I could think is what I had done. And when I found out they broke up, the feeling just got worse.

I didn't have a choice though. I made some fucked decisions in my past life that I wish I can take back. Decisions that toke time and everything I had ,to be hidden. Until Olivia got a hold of them and dangled them above me.

I'm not ready for friends... the world to know what I did. I feel tremendously sorry for the relationship I destroyed between my two friends because of my secret. Wished there was another way. Hopefully things would go back to how they were. Where everyone was okay and everything was fine.


Noah's POV

The sun had went away and the darkness of the night toke over. It was eleven o'clock at night and I haven't left Cameron side. Not even to eat. How could I eat when the girl I love is in this condition? Because of my father. Because of me.

I love Cameron. I love her so dam much. I never told her that but best believe I did.

Cameron brings out a whole different side of me; a fun side, ever since we were kids. Growing up and being with- having her by my girlfriend has been the best part of my life. The way I feel when I'm around her or hear her voice- her laugh, see her smile or when she throws a cute fit after I get done bothering with makes me feel like I'm on top of the world; like I have everything including the whole world in my hands.

I've never felt this way with no one and I mean no one. Only her. Cause she is special and always will be special, especially to me. 

Knowing how bad I hurt her, watching the tears run her beautiful bubbly cheeks that day because of me brought pain to my heart. I've always wanted to be the reason she smile. Not  the reason she cries. I'm a horrible fucked up person.

I regret ever doing what I did. God knows I do. Not being with her makes it hard to function, makes me feel insane. Which is why I left in the first place. I didn't run away from my problem, I toke some time away so I could give cam her space and so I could focus and work on becoming a better man... for her.

"I love you, cam." My voice cracked, staring at her lying down with her eyes still closed, hooked up to machines. "And I'm sorry for hurting you as much as I did. I'm sorry for letting this happen to you. I hate myself. Hate myself so much. I should of been there for you, I let you down and broke you. For that I am sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sor-" Tears flow out of my eyes and I completely broke down. "Please, wake up beautiful..I need you, need to hear your voice."

Adam was right, when he said she didn't deserve it. Not to mention I don't deserve her. Not one bit.


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