Chapter 16: Its Been You.

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"A fight! Are you out of your dam mind, Cameron?!" My mom yelled to the top of her lungs, as she drove. I've done heard that sentence over and over already because she has been yelling at me ever since she picked me up from school.

Somehow, someway , while I was hiding in the girls locker room from Noah. The principal ended up finding out about Olivia and I brawl and immediately called us up to his office and made a quick call to our parents too. I was in luck back there. Because of how well I do in school , behave in my classes, and maintain my good grades. Mr.Ellington decided to let me off the hook this time instead of suspending me. Goes for Olivia as well. But under one circumstance; we had to do lunch duty for three days. Meaning after lunch Olivia and I go behind everyone and clean up the trash, mop the floors and wipe the tables. I am not a big fan of the idea but if it meant me not being suspended then I was going to go with it.

"What the hell were you thinking? Getting into a fight!"

I slumped  into my seat, throwing my head back and heavily sighing. "I wasn't, okay? Besides it's not like I planned it."

"Well it happened. I had to leave my job just come get you because you decided to get into a fight with another girl. Do you know the amount of trouble I am in with my boss?! We're not allowed to up and leave whenever we want too." She came to a red light letting one hand go of the stirring wheel and glancing over at me. "I work my ass off day and night to put a roof over your head , food on your plate and pay for everything else that involves with you. But I can't make money and do what I need to do when I have to deal with you being irresponsible."

I get it. I got into a fight. Any other parent would of been as anger as she is if they got a call telling them their child just fought. But then at the same time, it's not a big deal. It's not like it was an intense fight where someone got hurt really bad.

"Tell me, the reason you decide to want to bust out into a fight? It better be a good one too because this is not you, Cameron. My daughter never ever get into fights so I want an crystal clear explanation now missy." 

Where should I start? If I was to tell her everything from the time we were at the lockers up until the time I was on top of her on the ground; she would think it's not good enough or petty. That's because she doesn't understand. Seems like no one understands lately.

"I don't know..." I shrugged my shoulders and went to looking out the window. Watching the thousands of cars and buildings past by as we drive.

My mom scoffed. "You don't know?! Well that's a good one."

"Mom, you won't understand that's why  I'm not saying it."

"So make me understand!" She said raising her voice.

"Forget it."

"No, no 'forget it' tell me the truth or else."

I sat in silence with my arms across my chest. At this point I wanted to be at home already,locked up in my room ,away from everybody.

"Alright! Fine. Your not allowed to leave the house under circumstances for a week. And if you think you don't have to listen to me because your eighteen, think again young lady. You are under my roof meaning you go by my rules until the day you leave the nest. So until then you are stay put in that house day and night, even when get out of school." She demanded.

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