Chapter 23: Every time, Like Tonight

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That was the sound of my heart beating. But a little more louder and faster. I was well sure that others around me could hear it.

It was on the verge of popping out my chest.
That's how scared I was.

Today was the day that we toke the big  Ap Chemistry test in Ms.Roseberg's class. You see, this test was not just any whole simple test that you get and it's whatever. No. Far from it. This test was the 'make or break you' test. Being that the end of school is right around the corner, failing and letting your grades now was not a good idea. You need certain amount of points and especially good grades to pass high school; let alone get into a good college. And in this school, you have to pass Ap Chemistry with a certain grade level or you don't pass at all. 

Ms. Roseberg's sets her regular tests points at normal average. But this test, it's the same amount points has a exam. Even getting a low C on it can bring you a whole letter grade down.

It's scary for me but more for Noah.

If Noah didn't pass this he was not going to get to play in the Championship game this week. While all his friends and members  play are on the court he will be on the sideline with the coaches. Noah has been waiting for the longest to play in that game and he is one of the team greatest players. There was a lot more pressure on him.

"Would you calm down, Noah. All your pacing is making me dizzy."

"I can't." Noah said, still pacing back and forth in front of the picnic table. We were hanging out side of the school, the area were some students go to eat lunch or hangout. Waiting for Ms Roseberg to put the test results in the grade book.

"You can." I reassured.

"How are you perfectly fine right now?" Noah questioned, stopping his tracks and looking at me.

"Because I'm not second guessing myself. Which is something that your doing. Noah-" Still sitting in my spot on the table, I reached out and grabbed Noah's hand. "You are much smarter than what you make portray your self to be. I'm not just saying it to spare your feelings or because you are my boyfriend. I'm saying it because it's true. Nine times out ten you killed the test."

Noah looked down at me, rubbed his thumb against my hand and smiled. "Thank you, baby." He said leaning down and giving me a quick peck on the lips, before standing back y'all. "But I need physical proof." He dropped my hand and went back to pacing as I rolled my eyes and giggled.

Welp. The sweet pep talk didn't work. Should of known, it's Noah.

That boy-

My boy.  Is something else.

Knowing there was nothing that was going get through his mind. I grabbed my pineapple and strawberry smoothie he bought me during lunch and began drinking it, almost finishing up the cup.

As he tired out his feet and I watched him do so while enjoying my tropical paradise; our phones sudden buzzed with a notification. Sending Noah in a rush to his phone.

I sat my smoothie my drink down, picked up my phone and unlocked it. It was a email from Ms Roseberg. She always sends out emails to all her classes to remind us of upcoming test, quizzes, or homework due and such. This message was about  something Noah and I been waiting for. The test grade. She emailed out how she put them in.

In a quick hurry, I logged in the grade-book , looked for her class and clicked it until I was able to see my score.

I can't believe it...

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