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She could hardly keep up with his large steps as he trudged on. The girl had no idea where he was going- her room was in the other direction- and she was scared to find out what would happen when he finally managed to get her alone.

She had suffered before, but somehow it never got easier to handle. Perhaps it was the tingles on her skin, or the way her stomach did strange flips at the sound of his voice- whatever was happening to her she didn't quite understand, but she had a feeling that if this man ever hurt her, it would be far more devastating than anything else.

Of course that was ridiculous because there was nothing different about this man... was there?

Vincent was eager, he had finally gotten his mate and he wanted nothing more than to stay locked up in a room with her somewhere. He had the uncontrollable urge to touch her in the most innocent of ways, which was why he had found some kind of way to keep her skin against his.

He was more than ready to love her the way she was always supposed to have been, to erase all the years of neglect that she had suffered. However, as much as he wanted all of that he knew that it would take time. Even now he could tell that she was still terrified of him and it broke his heart, he wondered how much longer it would take to convince her that she could take down her walls.

She didn't have time to process her thoughts, or think through her conflict when he dragged her into a lush room. It was massive, filled with furniture designed t be both stylish and comfortable- it was simply, fit for an Alpha.

There was a large double bed in the centre of the room that demanded the girls attention as soon as she stepped into the room, the familiar feeling of dread and foreboding creeping over her skin as she looked at it. Its frame, a simple, decorative wooden fitting which made it both rustic and beautiful. The bed was fitted with pristine white sheets, and a thick duvet though it was still messy as though it had not been made that morning. Though the girl didn't dare move, remaining rooted to her place where she stood as still as a statue, her fingers itched with the instinct to tidy it up.

On either sides were two nightstands in a matching wood furnish that made the whole display both neat and appeasing. Opposite was a large chest of drawers accompanied by a mounted mirror, as well as a large wardrobe. All in all it was spacious, and the small girl felt the intimidated and exposed in the open space.

She kept her eyes trained on the Alpha in front of her who seemed to be in a flurry of emotions as he paced. Her heart raced fiercely when he began to undress, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal bare skin, her eyes burned with unshed tears but she willed herself not to cry instead training her gaze to the floor and mentally preparing herself for what was to come like so many times before.

She felt a finger under her chin tipping her head up, though she kept her eyes tightly shut. Something within her wanted her to open her eyes, to look at the man in front of her but she fought with everything she had to keep them closed.

Vincent was both intrigued and annoyed by her silent protest- he wanted to look into her eyes, and to feel the bond between them. He wanted to hold her and protect her, to promise her that whatever she had faced before whilst at Damiens pack she would never have to face again.

"Look at me." The Alphas deep baritone filled the space between them, making the little thing jump slightly.

She shook her head wildly, a few stray tears betraying her and sliding down her cheeks as her head spun. All she could think about was what he was going to do with her- would he use her? Hit her? Throw her around like all the other men in her life had?

She had learnt the hard way that men were cruel beings, meant to dominate women. The chaos that seemed to follow her wouldn't let her forget it. It was for her own good that she had learnt to submit- if she hadn't, perhaps she would've ended up dead.

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