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(Warning there is some raunchy material ahead)

The celebrations continued. Once Vincent saw how relaxed and happy everyone was he was able to relax too.

A short, pudgy, human male stood, he sat beside a older woman who resembled Leora. Vincent guessed that it was Leoras father. The man clinked his glass catching the attention of all the guests present before proceeding to deliver a speech about the newly married couple.

Spiraea smiled wistfully, it was obvious that Luna Leoras parents loved her very much. A part of her felt saddened, she would never experience anything like that; her mother was dead, and wherever her father was he didn't want her.

Then were more speeches, first from Leoras mother then Beta Sam and then Vincent! Spiraea gasped when he stood and walked to the front sending her a cheeky wink; he hadn't told her that he was giving a speech!

Adam had asked Vincent to deliver a speech when he had invited him. Vincent had kept it quiet, since he wasn't sure what to really say. He still didn't, but as he stood watching the newly married couple, it came over him like divine intervention.

"Adam you're my oldest friend, and I've seen first hand how much you've wanted this day to come. The love you share for Leora is an unbreakable bond. You're no longer that 14 year old blubbering about finding your soulmate- you found her. And thanks to you, I also found mine." Vincent paused to look over at Spiraea with such love that it took her breath away.

Leora and Adam smiled knowingly, Leora squeezing her husbands hand leaning her forehead against his. She didn't have to see to be moved by Vincents own adoration for his mate. There was just so much goodness around, it warmed her heart.

Spiraea watched Vincent in wonder and adoration, she had never seen this side of him before. He was so friendly and laid back, not an Alpha in this moment, just Vincent.

She didn't hear the words he said, only the sound of his voice as she got lost in him once again. She loved the sound of his voice, she could listen to it all day and never get tired.

"I wish you both the happiest of days, full of love, joy, and of course lots of babies."

There were chuckles around, Leora blushed whilst Adam shook his head. They said another cheers before music began to play and the couple took thier first dance.

The music slowly shifted and more people joined the dance floor, Vincent stood with a cheeky grin. His hand offered to Spiraea in a silent question.

"I don't know how to dance," She murmured quietly, a small blush flushing her features.

"That's alright, as long as you're in my arms, I don't care." Vincent smiled, that soft beautiful smile, the one he saved just for her. "Come on little one, I want to dance with my soulmate."

Reluctantly, she placed her palm in his. He escorted them to a space and they began to sway gently to the music. One of Vincents hands on the girls waist, the other holding her hand, his lips pressed against her forehead as her head rested on his chest.

"Today was so beautiful," Spiraea spoke gently. Her gaze traveled over to where Leora was cuddled into Adam's arms as they also danced together. "They look so happy."

Vincent hummed in agreement, kissing her forehead. He was enjoying the moment very much, having her wrapped in his arms. He had no idea where his next words came from but they came nonetheless.

"We should get married."

Spiraea sucked in a sharp breath; whilst the idea was pleasing, there was a lot of things that she wasn't sure about. For one, she didn't have living parents like Leora, and she couldn't wear a white dress. Besides, it wasn't as if she would suddenly decide that Vincent wasn't enough for her any more, it just seemed rather redundant.

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