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After both girls were all cried out, they sat together on the bed as the girls caught each other up on all that had occurred.

They told each other everything from the moment they had been separated until they had been reunited, sparing no details. Spiraea told her all about staying with Vincent, about her room, and (with a blush) even about the night they slept cuddled together on the sofa.

Marianne hadn't seen her friend so animated before. It was obvious she felt some kind of confliction when it came to Alpha Vincent, but Marianne had no doubt that she would eventually figure it out. Regardless of how strange she felt, Marianne was just glad that her friend seemed so full of life- it was a blessing to see the younger girl in such a way, especially after the hard life she had been subjected to.

After Spiraea had spoken, Marianne began her story. Spiraea was more than surprised to find out that Marianne had also found a mate; the man who she arrived with. His name was Jaxon and he had been mate less for nine years- one year less than Vincent.

Of course, the men were sitting in the room and could hear every word of the conversation shared between their mates, despite the girls' best efforts to talk in hushed whispers. At the mention of Jaxon, Vincent decided that it would be an opportune moment for Spiraea to be introduced to him as well as his Beta.

"Spiraea, would you like to meet Mariannes mate?" Vincent interrupted gently, trying not to make it obvious that they were listening in on the conversation.

The girl in question looked between her friend and her mate; she trusted that they wouldn't put her in a position that would make her unsafe. Even though she was nervous, she still gave her friend a shy smile and a small nod.

"Dude, you're introducing him first?"
One of the other men whined childishly with a pout.

He was a few inches shorter than the other man, and Vincent too, but only by a couple inches or so. He also stood out with light blue eyes and even lighter hair- if he wasn't a beast, the girl might've thought he was an angel.

Vincent rolled his eyes, thought the action only made the man complain even more. "Oh come on! I'm your beta!!"

"Just wait two minutes." Vincent rolled his eyes playfully, "She'll meet you both."

Vincent turned back to Spiraea and gave her a small smile, taking her hand gently in his. She looked at their joined hands where his fingers brushed against hers but she didn't pull away.

The other man, who had been silent- taller than both Vincent and the other whiner- had brown hair and brown hooded eyes. He had quite pale skin, and a softness to his features but somehow it didn't take away from how intimidating he was. He also stepped forward. He put a comforting hand on Mariannes shoulder; the girl in question leaning into his embrace.

"Rae, this is Jaxon." Marianne smiled, resting her hand on top of his that sat on her shoulder. "He's my mate."

"And my Gamma," Vincent added gently as he continued his gentle strokes against her fingers.

Spiraea furrowed her brows; she didn't exactly know the role of the Gamma but she did know they were often violent. She wondered how her friend could feel so comfortable with such a horrible man.

Perhaps he was like the Alpha Vincent- nice behind closed doors, and not like the ones they had met before.

She didn't really know, and she was scared but nonetheless she would stick by her friend. With a small, brave smile, she looked over to the man in question acknowledging him with a nod.

"Nice to meet you." Her voice was quiet, and her fear was discernable, but she did her best to keep a strong face and tone.

The men about her were incredibly proud of her display, though frightened she found courage- it was a quality of a good Luna. Even Marianne found it admirable, she had no doubt that being with Vincent and his pack would only make her friend stronger

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