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4 years later

Four years passed since Spiraea and Vincent had gotten married. Not much had changed in the short period of time.

Sean and Emilia had completely stepped down from any roles of leadership within the pack, choosing to let Vincent and Spiraea lead as they saw fit. The older couple spent their time with their grandchildren, and their community.

Marianne and Jaxon's first child was born not too long after the ceremony, a girl which they named Leah. They had their own mating ceremony mere weeks after her birth, and in the 4 years that passed, they had made 4 more children. Two more girls which they named Jade and Ava, and twin boys, Leo and Apollo.

Larissa had grown, now at 6, she was one of the brightest pupils in her class at school. She would also spend plenty of time at the hospital with her father, or with her aunty Analise. Even at six, she was incredibly mature with a strong resolve- she was neither squeamish, nor sensitive and aspired to follow in her fathers footsteps to become a doctor.

Fletcher had found his mate, it was a welcomed change from his mischievous bachelor lifestyle. He was glad to have found her; the she-wolf was a complete spitfire and gave the man a run for his money. Their relationship started wildly, though evened out once they both got the hang of what it meant to really be mates. Even with his mate around he still had a lot of fun being the 'cool uncle' to his friends children and he would never tire of hanging out with his nephews and nieces. He was remarkably good with children, the fact made both Vincent and Spiraea positive that he would make a good father when his time came.

For Spiraea and Vincent they were years of learning; how to be good partners to each other and how to be good parents to Max. There were still moments of insecurity, or times when communication broke down between them, but they fought each time to make it back to each other however they needed to.

Spiraea's health was a lot better, in fact it wasn't too long after they got married that she got her first period! It took a lot of adjusting initially for the girl to become comfortable in her body now that it had changed once again; now that she felt better, it was a lot easier on her mind.

Vincent was ever so proud of his mate, and helped her through things as much as he could. He had found during her cycles she would experience painful cramping and when he held her she seemed to be a lot more at ease.

One of the biggest and unexpected changes they had to face was what it meant to really be parents. Being parents had proved to be a challenge, but at every turn they rose to the difficulty.

Max had relaxed into his life with two parents and at five and a half years old was the most smartest, talkative, mischievous, bundle of energy ever. He found great enjoyment following Vincent about and imitating his seriousness when he could. Vincent would humour him often, and would even ask Max what he thought of particular situations taking great delight at hearing his toddler speak.

However the one thing that had changed their lives, was the fact that Spiraea actually fell pregnant. At one of her regular, routine check ups with Analise, the woman had found out the surprising news.

Analise had been very adamant to tell them that because of the trauma that Spiraea had faced there was significant damage to her womb and as a result, there was significant risks to both Spiraea's and the baby's health and there was no guarantee that she would even make it to full term. Nevertheless, Spiraea was determined to follow through with the pregnancy; it was probably the only chance she would ever get.

The pregnancy was hard; emotionally, physically and mentally on the girl- Vincent had forbid her from doing too much of anything, she would have to sit with her feet up to keep herself unstressed. It also helped to have Max, who was more than happy to receive his mothers attention.

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