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"The last thing I want or need is a pack war." Vincent tried to keep his tone steady as he rebutted Killian's suggestion to challenge Damien. "I will not have good wolves, good men, risked callously to take out a mad man."

"Besides, if any of us were to challenge him, the winner would be in charge of two packs not just one." Renee pointed out cautiously, speaking up for the first time during the meeting. "I don't think any of us have the capability to take care of two packs, far less for the consequences if Damien were to win."

The other Alpha's recanted, pausing as they realised that Renee was right. No Alpha could care for a pack that big, the pack structure would crumble or there would be wolves suffering in poverty as a direct result. Neither were acceptable. Not to mention the unthinkable, if Renee was right and Alpha Damien was able to win the challenge then it could be a recipe for disaster. Who knows how many more would suffer his cruelty? Who knows what ideas it would put into his head after conquering another pack?

It was too dangerous to risk.

"Vincent, didn't your mate and her friend mention that the pack was internally compromised?" Adam thought aloud, his hand scratching his chin in thought. Vincent nodded in agreement spurring Adam on to continue. "If the pack is already dissatisfied, maybe we don't need to start war. Maybe we just need to help them stage a coup somehow."

"But how do you rebel against a leader that isn't yours?" Vincent scrunched his brows in frustration. For all the progress that they made, is seemed that 10 more problems would come up. He was slowly growing a headache, and his heart ached to see his mate. "Not to mention ensuring the safety of the pack members of a pack that again, are not our pack."

Silence descended, the frustration piled into the room. All Vincent could really think about was how much he needed a run, to have his mate in their bed- or maybe they wouldn't even get to the bed- just to get rid of the stress on his shoulders.

"Give them hope." Sebastian spouted suddenly, Vincent could've sworn he could practically see the lightbulb switch on above his head. "I mentioned it before at Adam's wedding, I can't believe I forgot! There's been rumours of a rogue in the north, a rogue who is supposedly the rightful Alpha to Damien's territory."

"You want to risk everything on a few rumours, cousin?" Killian raised an incredulous brow, he thought the idea was rather far fetched. It wasn't as if he didn't think the plan had merit, but he felt that it would be better to put energy elsewhere. "Vincent, I know you said that you don't want to risk war, but if there is no other solution, you need to be ready for a war."

"Of course," Vincent acknowledged. It had always been his intention, he never wanted to be caught off guard in the slightest. But he would also pursue every bloodless option that he could too. "But I want to make sure that avoided war at every cost, even if it means chasing rumours."

"We can spare as many men as you need for this," Jaxon informed his Alpha. He was somewhat glad that his Alpha was searching out other means to resolve this conflict, now that Marianne was pregnant he was rather reluctant to have to lead any wars.

"I will find him myself." Vincent spoke, determination coloured his tone. "Nothing more than a small team, we wait for Sebastian's information before making any real plans. We will sort the details later. For now, as Killian rightly suggested, the pack needs to be ready for a war just in case. Make sure that if that happens, we are ready."

"Yes Alpha."

"I admire you desire to avoid conflict," Killian complimented Vincent's diligence. It was an improvement from the usually hot-headed male that he was.

Adam smiled, he knew it probably had something to do with his mate; especially the state she had been in when Vincent first found her. It wouldn't surprise the man if his friend never wanted to part with the small girl. He felt the same way about Leora, even being away from her now made his heart clench painfully.

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