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After Spiraea had spent a few short moments looking around the beautiful room, she sat at the edge of her bed just taking everything in. A part of her had expected the Alpha male to come storming back into the room laughing, telling her that it was all just a cruel joke. But he didn't.

She didn't think she'd ever get used to this, he had been so generous- in the short time that she had spent with him, he had shown her more kindness than she had ever seen in her entire life. Even though she wasn't entirely sure how to deal with so much good, the girl knew that she liked it very much.

She looked around the room once more loving everything about it. It's wooden furnishings, with soft green accents. The curtains were a pale green too matching the white carpeted rug on the floor.

She found bottles of creams, perfumes, soaps and hair products lined neatly on one of the dressers. A chair to the left had a neatly folded cream coloured towel, loofah and fluffy bathrobe sat on it.

The room itself smelled light and floral, a mix between red berry's and rose petals. It was so relaxing to her senses, she had never experienced anything like it before.

Everything about the room was different to the space downstairs- it was more put together, more soft and feminine, as if it had actually been designed with her in mind. The thought alone made her love it even more.

Even her human ears could hear Vincent shuffling around the kitchen. She took the opportunity to creep over the room Vincent had named the bathroom, carrying with her the items in the chair and some soaps.

During her time in Damiens pack, she had only been allowed the luxury of a shower once every week. A limitation of being a werewolf and having enhanced senses meant that they couldn't tolerate the smell of an unhygienic human for very long.

The bathroom was a mix of wood and porcelain. It was also surprisingly clean considering an Alpha lived here. The bathtub was quite large, bottles of men's body wash and shampoo sitting on its lip. The other thing that surprised the girl was how coordinated it seemed, with its albeit rather ugly colours. The shower curtain was a patchwork of burgundy and grey whilst the mats were lavender. Nothing seemed to match, and honestly, Spiraea's fingers twitched with the want to fix it.

Once the warm spray of water hit her skin, the girl let out a short sigh, it was comforting and refreshing to have a chance to really feel clean again. It felt so nice that Spiraea was tempted to stay under the steaming water forever. The shower gel was vibrant in both colour and smell- a mix of hibiscus flowers and honey, and the girl very much enjoyed watching it lather on her skin.

As much as she wished that she could, Spiraea knew she would have to hurry up. She didn't want to keep Vincent waiting, hew was quite obviously an impatient man and she didn't want to irritate him. He still hadn't really become angry at her yet, and she didn't want to ruin that yet- especially when she felt like she was beginning to feel used to his company.

She quickly hopped out, drying and dressing herself as quickly as she could. She had put on a night dress- one of the few she had with her, she didn't have much else to wear. Considering her primary function in Damien's pack, it was really no surprise that she didn't have much real clothes.

After a short thought she decided to pull the robe over the tiny, sheer gown. After Vincent's reaction to seeing her like that before in Alpha Adam's pack, it was probably best if she covered up as much as possible.

She walked to the door, catching her reflection in the mirror to the left of the door. She had rarely seen her reflection before, and if she had, she had never had the time to study it like she did now.

She took in her bronze skin, her curly hair, brown eyes, very slope and angle of her face. Her palms traced the sides of her body, running down her figure to rest lightly on her hips. The girl felt strange, almost as if the reflection staring back at her seemed wrong somehow.

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