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"Excuse me," the girl mumbled trying to hide her oncoming tears. Though it was no use, they had all seen it.

She pushed herself away from the table, walking out the kitchen and up the stairs. She stepped into the bathroom, closing the door as quietly as she could before heaving out a sigh. She felt stupid and embarrassed for crying, then leaving and she didn't think that she could could go back down and face them all.

She took a deep steadying breath, allowing the remained or her tears to fall. She turned on the tap, hoping to mask the sound of her erratic breathing as she tried to regain her composure. She had a way of letting her thoughts control her emotions; whenever she felt herself losing control, she couldn't help but to cry. She had never been in a position where she could do anything with her emotions so in her frustration she could only cry. She wished Marianne was with her.

A soft knock on the door had her holding her breath in suspense. She didn't dare move, she had no idea what to do- she couldn't stay in the bathroom for the whole night, but she now also afraid to go back downstairs. Another short knock came, this time followed by Vincent's voice.

"Little one, open the door." His tone was gentle, open and inviting. She knew that she would be comforted by him- her hand paused on the doorknob, what if he thought she was immature or foolish too?

"Spiraea, please." He begged, actually begged. Any notion of him being mad or embarrassed by her dulled slightly, she could hear the concern in his voice- her heart literally ached at the sound.

She bit her lip, gently unlocking the door, she didn't make a move to open it. Not that Vincent even waited, he swung the door open and enveloped the girl in a warm embrace. His lips pressed against her forehead, whilst his arms rubbed her back soothingly.

"I'm sorry," the man murmured against her skin. "I should have told her to stop, I know that you aren't ready for any responsibilities yet and I want you to know that none of us expect you to jump right into things either. Remember what I told you before?"

Spiraea simply looked up at him, her mind completely blank. Her brows furrowed with the confusion. Vincent couldn't help but to caress her face with his palm, brushing his thumb over the wrinkle in her brow.

"We do everything together."

The girl nodded, finally calming down. She let the warmth of his touch ease and soothe her mind. Her worries were still very much prevalent but she figured that they should talk about it another time- preferably when they didn't have house guests.

"I'm sorry," Spiraea suddenly whimpered. "Your family must think I'm el bobo."

"El bobo?" Vincent chuckled, not completely understanding. He had an inkling, but he wanted to cheer the girl up instead of letting her feel insecure. "No baby, they don't you're silly.

"Promise?" It was childish, and she knew that she shouldn't believe any promises but she trusted Vincent. She could- would- gladly believe any promise he gave her.

His irises sparked for a split moment, as his eyes took on a distant look. Then he blinked and looked down at the small girl, tilting her chin up to look at him. A wide smile that made him look younger took over his features, it almost made her smile too.

"Yes, I promise. In fact I just asked them. None of them think that you are being silly. We understand, I more than anyone and I would never put you into a situation that you couldn't handle." His thumbs brushed her cheeks, a new electricity fiercely sparking between them as their eyes met in a heated stare.

He leaned down, resting his forehead against hers. He didn't miss the way she closed her eyes, or how her lips parted as she sucked in a sharp breath. Anticipation, she shivered with it.

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