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They had been guests at Adam's pack for a week, though to both Spiraea and Vincent it had felt like so much longer.

Leaving was something that stirred mixed emotions within them- Spiraea would miss the kindness that she had experienced from Leora. Though she was terrified of the things that would come in the future, she was more relieved that she wouldn't have to go back with Alpha Damien.

Leora had given Spiraea's hand a friendly squeeze, not wanting to make her uncomfortable with an overfriendly hug, as well as promising to lend a ear if she ever needed to.

Vincent was grateful to Adam for the opportunity, even if simply by fate his invitation had led to the other Alpha finding his mate. He hadn't ever made it known, but a small part of him had began to wonder if he even had a mate.

If there was one thing that Vincent didn't have, it was patience. For a long time he didn't understand the value of waiting or control- in his quest for instant gratification, he had given away what was meant for his mate. He used to laugh at Adam's monk like display, but now he understood; a part of him felt ashamed and disgusting that he had given himself away and unlike his mate, he chose to do it.

No matter what he felt, he couldn't change the past and so he made himself a promise that for his mate- he would wait. He would make sure that she was loved and looked after, he would devote himself to her, making sure that she knew how precious she was.

With another firm handshake, and a silent nod of gratitude, Vincent turned to leave. He and his Beta had travelled to Adams pack, accompanied by four of his most trusted pack warriors which altogether had taken up two cars. The Beta, whose name was Fletcher, decided to give is newly mated Alpha and Luna some privacy and joined two of the other males in the second car.

Spiraea was slightly upset at being separated from her friend and wondered if she would be okay in a car with those beasts of men. The remaining two warriors had shifted and would run half way before switching with the other warriors.

Spiraea had seen Werewolves shift before, but each and every time it still made her stomach shift. She would never get accostumed to the breaking bones, or tearing flesh.

The transformation was a horrible affair, lasting between 15 and 20 minutes- she had seen some wolves die before they made it through their shift. It was truly only a breed made of the strong.

Vincent was more than eager to get back home, his mind already wandering to what had taken place whilst he was absent. His Gamma, Jax, had remained at the pack to look after it whilst the other two males were away. Initially the other man was supposed to take the trip down since it was the Gamma's responsibility to oversee all matters pertaining to war and inter-pack relations. However he had been far too anxious, his wolf absolutely refusing to leave his sick mother behind.

He watched as the first car left, then as gently as he knew how to he led his new mate over to the second car. A sleek black BMW, parked right on the edge of the dirt drive. He held open the passenger side door for her, waiting patiently for her to get it.

To his surprise she hardly hesitated. Though it was more involuntary than anything else; part of her knew that she was safe with him, part of her recognised him as her protector.

It was an instinct that frightened her, because she knew this man for only a few days. It was conflicting, she had no idea if she was even control or if it was the strange pull she felt towards this man. For Spiraea, not being in control was normal but not when it came to her mind; now she wasn't so sure, she wasn't even sure if she could trust her own feelings anymore.

Moments later the echo of the car door sounded on the other side of the car. The vehicle was quiet as he started the ignition, pulling out of the drive, down the road, and towards a whole new future that Spiraea could only hope would be brighter than her past.

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