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Emilia was eager to spend time with Spiraea, and the girl in question was running out of things to wear. Vincent was happy with her just wearing his clothes but he knew that eventually she would need her own things. Besides a day out would probably do her some good, it would be a good way for her to start meeting members of his pack.

There was no doubt in his mind that his wolves were starting to get curious as to why he was being reclusive. Before meeting Spiraea, he usually went on walks, checking up on his pack members personally. However, considering his mate's delicate state, he felt that he needed to be there to look after her.

Now that things had calmed down, and she was doing much better, he was looking forward to their relationship progressing. It had been a pleasant surprise when she had decided to take a small step forward with the kiss they shared. Even though they still had to take small steps, it gave him hope for their future; Spiraea had been through a lot, things that she never spoke about, but she seemed to be moving forward with him. It was more than he could ever hope for.

It was less than a week later when Emilia came over to take the girl shopping. Spiraea was beyond nervous- she had never done anything like this before. The idea of her body being scrutinised for the whole day made her uncomfortable.

She had always been careful with what she wore around Vincent. Her past had left its marks on her skin, and she wasn't sure he wanted him to see any of them. In Damien's pack, they were considerate enough never to leave more than bruises- sure there were times she had endured broken bones, but none of the abuse had ever left any external marks. Before Damien's pack however, was a whole different story.

On the morning, Vincent noticed Spiraea's anxiety. She could hardly eat from how her stomach was riddled with knots.

"We've got a big day baby, you should eat something." The man rubbed the girls leg, he was worried about her but also didn't want her to feel like he was being invasive or making her uncomfortable.

"I know, I'm scared." She mumbled. "I don't know if I can do this."

"You can, I know it. I'm not going to leave you at all, and neither is my mum." Vincent tried to assure her, "we'll get you everything you need and more. There's nothing for you to be afraid of little one."

Spiraea wasn't comforted very much by his words, she didn't know how to explain that she was worried about the way that she looked. Worried about her body. She didn't think he would understand- he looked like an adonis for goodness sakes.

She didn't really want to talk to Emilia about it either- as much as she liked the woman, she wasn't that comfortable with her yet. Besides she didn't know if she would tell Vincent.

"Can Marianne come too?" She asked in a small voice, refusing to look up at him. He had noticed it was a habit of hers, whenever she asked or wanted something, she would submit to him to ask.

Vincent realised that she didn't do it out of fear, but because she was uncomfortable with wanting things for herself. He supposed it was partly her past, and maybe even partly her nature. Her selflessness was endearing, and he knew that there was nothing that she could ask for that he would deny her.

"Of course. I'll ask Jaxon to come over, but you have to eat your breakfast. You're still building back your strength and you'll be on your feet a lot." He was comforting, but still stern. It didn't frighten the girl, much the opposite- she was slowly starting to enjoy the fact that he cared and doted on her so much.

Spiraea immediately picked up her fork, shovelling some eggs into her mouth obediently. Vincent chuckled, before calling Jaxon and Marianne who readily accepted their Alpha's request. Although Jaxon couldn't stay since he had training to attend.

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