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With much comfort from Vincent, Spiraea recovered from her tearful moment. After which dinner was a quiet affair, neither really feeling the need to fill the silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence considering both Vincent and Spiraea were far too caught up in their own thoughts to think about the atmosphere.

A few words were spoke here and there, most Vincent to compliment Spiraea on her cooking, or trying to encourage her to eat some more. She could barely manage more than a few forkfuls before feeling rather full.

Once it became clear that she could no longer eat anymore, Vincent cleared up. He had no doubt the girl was utterly exhausted from the long day of travelling which had taken its toll on both of them. The whole new experience had been both physically, mentally and emotionally draining on them both, albeit more so the girl than the Alpha.

They headed for bed after everything was clear. Spiraea could hardly bring herself to walk up the stairs with how knackered she felt. The poor thing was practically dead on her feet. She leaned on Vincent in her tired stupor as he guided her up the steps gently. The man in question was just trying to soak in her touch, her presence, her scent– everything that he could before he had to leave her.

Vincent walked her to her room, saying goodnight as respectfully as he could muster before departing to his own room. A large part of him was still very much upset by the fact they would be in separate rooms- he wanted her in his arms. Part of him, the beastly part of him, wanted nothing more than to kick down her door and snuggle in bed with her. It was like pure torture knowing that she was just in the other room and he still couldn't have her.

Neither of them slept well that night.

Vincent lay tossing and turning, wanting her with him. His beast was pacing in his mind, all his sense awake and on live wires as he tried to attune to his mate. Was she okay? Did she need him? Was she too cold? Could she sleep? Did she need him? Did she have enough pillows? Was she comfortable? Did she need him?

Spiraea was so worn out that as soon as her head hit her pillow, she was out like a light. However the serenity didn't last long. It had just gone 2 in the morning when she was awoken by the pain in her stomach.

For a moment she had thought it was the Alpha, inflicting some horrid pain on her whilst she slept. Through the pained haze, sadness filled her at the notion of Vincent hurting her- for some reason just the thought alone was enough to hurt her more than the physical pain she was in. However, she quickly realised that this pain was not one that had been inflicted on her by another.

She knew she had to move, the nauseous feeling in her throat growing by the second- if she didn't move, she would ruin the bed. With strength and speed she didn't know was possible in her pained position, she somehow found herself pushing her way into the bathroom and emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

Vincent hearing the entire commotion, was up and by her side in seconds. He held back her hair and rubbed her back gently as her body purged the meal she had consumed not too long ago. Even after she had finished, she didn't have the strength to move, so she sat there as he comforted her.

Eventually, Vincent took her into his arms and decided to take her downstairs and make her a warm mug of hot chocolate. He was extremely worried for her after her being sick, he never really had to deal such a problem before and didn't really know what to do.

He contemplated calling someone- his mother, or the pack doctor perhaps, but decided for both Spiraea's sake and the recipient of the call that it should wait until the morning. Spiraea needed rest, and having a stranger see her now would probably spook her and make her feel worse. The last thing she needed was to add nerves to her upset stomach.

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