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Another waiter came back not too long later with their food. Apparently, Vincent's usual was a full english breakfast, with extra toast and a stack of waffles. Along with a coffee and a glass of orange juice. Of course ccoking for the man, Spiraea knew that he could eat a lot, but this seemed like too much. Or was she just not feeding him enough, she worried.

Her own plate, was also massive. Even though it was just a couple waffles, they were huge! Not to mention drenched in what smelled like butterscoth syrup, fresh stawberries and a laarge helping of whipped cream. She doubted that she would be able to finish it all, but it did smell delicious. 

They tucked in, and she was glad that Vincent decided for them to come here. As much as she loved cooking, it was nice to take a break and try something new. 

"This is amazing!" She admitted, taking another bite of waffle. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"It was my pleasure! My parent used to bring us here every saturday as a kid, its sort of a family tradition." Vincent took a gulp of coffee. He paused, watching her over the rim of his mug as he decided whether or not he should push hisk luck or not. 'Or not' seemed to lose, as he opened his mouth again. "I think it would be a nice tradition to carry on, when we have pups of our own." 

He held back a laugh as she shoved a strawberry into her mouth, some syrup smudging her cheek lightly. His words registering, as she chewwed then finally stopped, looking up at him with wide eyes. "What?"

"You have a little something," He gestured to his own face but her shock didnt go away. He reached over to wipe the syrup with his thumb, holding back his reaction when she tensed at their contact. He probably overstepped a little bit, but on the brightside, at least she hadn't started to cry.  

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you or make you uncomfortable, but I want you to know that I want a future with you. You may not be ready right now, or for a while yet, and that's okay. I just want you to know where we stand, and what I want."

Spiraea swallowed, retreating to her thoughts. She had never thought about her future before- part of her still felt as though this was unreal. She had only ever been focused on getting through the day, and living to the next. Now that she didn't have to do that, she haad no idea what she wanted. 

She looked up to see Vincent looking at her, slightly worried. He was wondering if he was right to have said what he did; he didn't regret it because he did feel it was necessary to talk about where they were going, but had he pushed her too soon?

She squeezed his hand to comfort him, and to let her know that she was okay. There was something inside her that did fear them moving forward but she also knew that the rest of her would only be content for so long with what they had now. 

"I never had to think about this before, and I don't know what I want." She told him honestly, not that she had to. Although she didn't know what she wanted just yet, she couldn't deny that there was some part of her that didn't mind the sound of having a family with Vincent somewhere in the (far) future. 

Vincent wanted to be okay with her answer, he knew that it's exactly what he expected to hear, but his wolf was becoming more and more restless with all the uncertainty. He was pacing in the confines of his  mind, itching to come out, to growl, to rage- anything. He had denied himself so much for this girl and his wolf was getting antsy from being trapped so long. 

He cleared his throat, trying to mask his frustration, that he knew was not just his. Turning back to Spiraea with a half forced smile. "That's okay little one, I know. We have all the time in the world."

They went back to eating, though this time quietly. Spiraea was more lost in her thoughts about their future, and Vincent no longer felt like talking. He didn't want to show his wolfs frustration s it was probably better for him not to talk at all. 

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