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"Alpha Adam's attempt to placate the situation hasn't done much. Damien is persisting to encroach on our territory— just this morning we had to fight of  a group at our boundary line."

Jaxon explained to Vincent. Damien wasn't bold to take the land, but he was petty. This dispute had been going on for months despite Vincent's best efforts to end it. Seeing Adam was a complete last ditch effort, though it would seem that Damien had no real desire to find a solution.

"That man is giving more reasons to kill him." Vincent growled under his breath. Just the neglect that Spiraea had faced at his hands was enough for him to want to rip his fucking heart out.

"As much as we would all enjoy that, if you kill him you become Alpha of his pack too. There is no way we could handle so many in one pack." Fletcher cautioned Vincent; he was a good Beta, always steadying his Alpha when he got too hot headed.

"You're right. I don't want to risk any lives in a war either," Vincent sighed. His mind drifting to Spiraea. He was concerned for her, especially how distressed she was after Damien's name reared its ugly head. He wondered where she had gotten off to and if she was okay. "If either of you have any ideas, I'm all ears."

Fletcher and Jaxon looked to each other for a moment. They really had nothing to give, but they wanted to be able to help Vincent.

"Well we can bulk up security," Jaxon mused. "It won't take care of the problem, but if another situation arises we'll be ready for it."

"Alright. I want warriors on patrol 24 hours of the goddamn day. Give them two hour shifts with overlapping change overs." Vincent spoke, scratching his chin in thought and frustration. He wanted to do more, but Fletcher and Jaxon was right.

"I'll do some research into our problem," Vincent continued, the obvious problem being Damien. "I'll have to get in touch with Adam to let him know whats going on. I don't really want to bother him too much, he's preparing for his wedding."

"Well whilst you do that I can handle pack affairs." Fletcher offered, it was his duty as Beta anyway. Vincent had only been handling some of it because he wanted to be involved in his pack and because he wanted Fletcher to have time to find his mate if he wanted to.

"Of course, I'm sorry that it might take away from the search for your mate." Vincent spoke sincerely— besides Adam, Jaxon and Fletcher was the closest thing he had to friends and he wanted them both to be happy.

"Tsk, don't worry Alpha Vince, I know that when the moon is ready she will send her to me." Fletcher waved off the concern. His heart twinged, he wanted his soul mate and I hurt to see everyone around him happy, but he knew that he was right. There was no point chasing something if he didn't know where it was. "Besides, handling pack affairs will be a piece of cake. You are diligent so there's not much left for me to do... Gives me more time for that piece of cake."

Vincent rolled his eyes not willing to respond. Fletcher was always a comedian. He knew Fletcher well enough to know that he was trying to be funny to distract them from his pain.

They weren't stupid, but they also weren't nosy either.

"Right, Well Adam is getting married in a few weeks. Spiraea and I will be going as a show of friendship and solidarity from our pack." The Alpha mentally made a note to get a suit and a dress for Spiraea for the event. "The both of you will be in charge whilst we're away. It will only be a couple days."

"Thats fine, I'll make a note to have security on extra alert." Jaxon nodded, a light pink tinge coating his cheeks as he thought through his next sentence. "Also if the Luna needs help finding a dress, I would be more than happy to help. Well, that is Marianne would."

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