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"Mark me?" Her brows furrowed in confusion. "What does that mean?"

Vincent pulled the girl on his lap closer, his nose lightly nuzzling the skin on her neck. Exactly where his mark would go, he could feel his cock harden and his gums itch with the anticipation.

"It means that I have to bite you. " He spoke against her collar bone before kissing it lightly. He kissed his way up the collar of her neck before stopping at the junction between her neck and shoulder. "Right here."

He could feel her rising anxiety, so he continued to talk hoping to relax her with a better explanation than just 'I'm going to bite you'. In retrospect, that probably wasn't the first thing he should have said.

"It warns off other males that you are bonded, and it gives us a deeper connection as mates. I want you to know that you are all I want Spiraea, you are mine to love and cherish just as I am yours."

He could practically hear her heart banging away in her chest. Spiraea couldn't deny her fright, she was terrified of being hurt by Vincent. Especially since she trusted him.

"Will it hurt?" She whispered, her voice quivering in her unease.

"A little bit at first, but it doesn't last more than a few seconds." Vincent pulled away, to look at her once again. "You can say say no. You trust me yes?"

Spiraea nodded her reply. She did trust him of course she did, he had never given her any reason not to trust him. "Do it."

"If you want to stop, just say."

That was all it took before Vincent flipped them both so that she was underneath him. His mouth claimed hers dominant and strong. He kisses her cheeks, chin and jaw as his mouth continued it's heated path along her neck.

His hands trailed her sides, down her ribs to her hips. Hands gripping, kneading the skin there in a strangely gratifying manner.

Spiraea gasped, an alien moan escaping her as his mouth sucked at her flesh. Her arousal was strange to her— her entire body felt alive under his touch. Her nipples strained through the thin material of her shirt and warmth pooled between her thighs as Vincent continued his ministrations.

The man allowed his canines forward, scraping them lightly against her skin causing her to arch her back. Another moan ripped through her as her pebbled nipples grazed the front of his bare chest.

The girl buried her hands in Vincent's hair as a euphoric cloud descended on her. Vincent could smell her arousal, at it only drove him crazier, he wanted to have her writhing in pleasure beneath him.

His thumb pressed against her clit over the soft cotton of her underwear, circling the small bud lightly. His canines broke her skin, burying themselves into her neck just as he sped up his thumb at the apex of her thighs.

Spiraea registered the short prick of pain, but it was nothing compared to the sheer rapture that followed. Her back arched, nails clawing at Vincents  neck and back. The moan in her throat died, coming out as a silent scream as she found herself falling over the edge.

Vincent pulled away from her neck, licking it gently to clear away the blood. He watched her face as she revelled in the pure euphoria of her release. Her eyes closed as they rolled back, chest heaved, lips parted as she panted breathlessly.

"You look so gorgeous when you cum, baby." He chuckled, loving the look on her face. He decided it was his new favourite look, something about her all messied hair and sweet smelling scent added to her appeal. His mind couldn't help but wonder what she would look like when he really gave her an orgasm.

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