7 minutes

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3rd person

Josie was the HBIC at the school. Jughead Jones was a player and Betty Cooper was the loner biker gang chick.

One day at one of Josie's many parties she decided to have her, her pussycats, and a few others play spin the bottle for 7 minutes in heaven.

The first to spin was Jughead Jones. The bottle spun until finally landing on Betty Cooper.

When the bottle had stopped Jughead looked up with a smirk and Betty was unamused.

As they made their way into the closet Betty was getting glares from multiple girls but mostly Veronica.

They went into the closet and Jughead spoke "I'm Jughead" whilst holding his hand out for her to shake it. She did while saying "Betty".

Once their hands touched each others a million Sparks flew to their fingertips going up into their arms.

They looked at one another and Jughead broke the comfortable silence with "how about we play a game".

This made Betty smile "ok sure how about 20 questions?" She replied. Jughead smirked "I'll go first question 1 what's your full name?" He said genuinely interested in what it was.

"Elizabeth Cooper. And you?" She asked with a giggle. "What I say is not to leave this room ok?[she nodded] It's Forsythe Pendelton Jones the third" he said looking down.

Betty reached out her hand and lifted his chin up so they were face to face. "I think it suits you." She said with a smile which cause Jughead to smile as well.

"Ok question 2, do you have a boyfriend?" Jughead asked as Betty smiled," no I don't, do you have a girlfriend?" she asked.

"Nope" he said popping the p. Jughead stepped closer to Betty as she stepped back so she had her back to the wall.

Betty's breath hitched as his hands went down to her waist. Her hands flew up to his neck as he smirked.

He started peppering kisses down her neck to her collarbone. She let out a soft moan which only encouraged Jughead to continue his "pg13 grope session 😁".

"5 minutes up." Said a voice from behind the door causing Jughead and Betty to jump. Betty looked back at him and asked the question that was on her mind during the kissing.

"Juggie am I just gonna be one of those girls you make out with and then never talk to them again?"

Jughead looked at her with a look filled with love and lust. "Betts I don't think that I could do that to you I feel like we've known each other for years and if I need to prove myself to you then I will how about we go to pops and ditch the party?" He asked as a huge smile took over Betty's and jughead's face.

"I think I might have to take you up on that offer." She said while catching her bottom lip in between her teeth.

This caused Jughead to smirk and he started to lean in as did Betty their lips fell upon each other's and found their rhythm(idk if that's how it's spelled) they were so involve in each other they didn't here the door open until there was a cough form Veronica.

Betty and Jughead let go of each other and blushed. Then Jughead grabbed her hand and took her to the door and they left to pops and had a wonderful night talking about anything and everything they could think of.

At the end of the night Jughead dropped Betty off at her house but she realized her parents weren't home so she offered for Jughead to stay the night with her. They fell asleep on her bed wrapped in each other's arms.

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