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Jughead's POV

I woke up and turned over to find that my bed was empty. I immediately got scared. A million thoughts ran through my head of wear Betty could be.

My thoughts had stopped as soon as she walked back into the bedroom with a tray that had 3 fat bags of pops. "Happy Birthday my Love" she said whilst kissing my lips. "Babe you scared me I didn't see you in bed and I thought that you had left me or something." I said still a little shook up from moments before. " Come on baby why would I leave you especially on your birthday? What can I do to convince you I will never leave you because I love you." She said and my heart stopped.

She loves me? Why? I brush those thoughts away and  I snap back to reality. "I love you too Betts." I said with the biggest smile. 

"Come on Juggie eat your breakfast and get dressed I have a surprise for you." She said whilst walking to the bathroom. I quickly ate my breakfast and then got dressed in my usual s t-shirt black jeans and flannel. I pulled on my converse just as Betty came out of the bathroom.

She had on this outfit.

"Wow Betts you look nice" I said looking at the crown on her shirt and smiling

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"Wow Betts you look nice" I said looking at the crown on her shirt and smiling. "Aww thanks Juggie" she said with a blush. "Let's go we're going to be late." She said while grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs of her house. Her mother was out for the weekend so she had invited me over.

(After locking the door)

"So Betts where are we going today?" I asked as we walked down the sidewalk hand in hand. "Well I can't tell you otherwise it won't be a secret now would it?" She said turning her head to face me a little with that adorable smile she always has which causes you to smile. " No I guess not. But Betts you know I hate surprises." She looked at me and said " but Juggie I think you actually might like this one. At least I hope you do anyways." I stopped which caused her to stop. I grabbed her face and brought it closer to mine. " Baby I'm sure I'll love it if it's from you." I pulled her closer and gave her a kiss. We continued our trip to I guess pops.

When we opened up the door to pops thw bell went off and all of my friends and the family members of theirs popped out from behind the booths and yelled "SURPRISE!" I was shocked and I looked over to where Betty was but she was gone instead I found dad.

"Happy Birthday son.(they bro hugged) If you couldn't tell already this was your girlfriends doing." I smiled and said " Yeah I kinda figured."

After dad had let go of me I started making my 'rounds' around the shop greeting everyone and thanking them. Then door of pops opened and we all turned around once we heard a loud "JUG".

Once I turned around I saw my little sister Jellybean and my mother running up to me. We all hugged and my mom motioned for dad tk join which he gladly did. "Mom, Jelly why are you guys here." I asked still smiling.

"We got a call from some girl saying that there was going to be a party for your 18th birthday. And of course we couldn't miss that." My mother said with a huge grin.

I turned and looked around for Betty but instead I found 3 bus boys along with pop holding trays stacked with hamburgers. As soon as all the hamburgers were placed on to the booths table where Betty and i always sit pop said "happy birthday to my favorite customer" then they left and we all started to dig in.

"So Jug who's Betty" jelly Bean said with Mom looking at me too wanting to know the answer as well. My face turned bright red "Um she's my girlfriend why." "She's the one that called us." My mother said with a smirk on her face.

My face turned from an embarrassed red to a happy neutral color. I looked around for her and found her talking to Archie and Veronica. I smiled at her and she looked over and saw me and smiled back and blew a kiss to me which in turn made my smile bigger.

As soon as the party was done I met up with Betty and we walked back to her house. "Baby thanks for the party and thank you for getting my mom and sister to me as well." I said whilst smiling and squeezing her hand. " Juggie you know I'd do anything for you. Also I'm sorry there was no cake." She said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I laughed and said "Betts I don't need a cake I think the mountains of pops burgers are much better anyway." She laughed and we walked back to her house and we both got dressed in our pajamas and headed to her bed. We snuggled close together and she said "Happy birthday my love" I smiled at her and kissed her and then said "I love you Betts" " I love you too Juggie". And with that we fell into the best sleep that we had ever had.

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