Jail birds

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Kind of a continuation of the last one

Authors POV

After Veronica and Archie left to do god knows what Betty and Jughead decided to stay and watch the sun set.

As the sun was just about to set over the horizon they heard police sirens.

They looked at one another in confusion until they heard a voice shout "Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones stay right where you are and put your hands where I can see them."

The followed the instructions that were given and we're hand cuffed.

They were brought over to the cop car and were pushed in the back seat as Sherif Keller got in the front.

A few minutes later they arrived and we're placed into cells adjacent to one another.

Betty went to the back of hers and sat on the bench while Jughead was staring at the cells door.

"Well, this is a change of scenery." Jughead said turning to his girlfriend who was now sitting cross-legged examining her nails,  which he found to be very sexy.

"It's a prison cell." She stated blankly looking up slightly to see her boyfriend who she would never admit to looking sexy behind the bars of his cell.

"I realize this. I was being sarcastic love" he said as he watched her get up and walk over to him still only a cell wall away from one another.

"I was aware of that my dear" she said grabbing onto the bars between his head.

"Ya know Betts you look pretty sexy behind those bars. It almost fits your new style." He said latching his hands on the bars underneath hers closer to her waist.

She felt a blush creep onto her cheeks as she looked down. (She had on this minus the bag and the jackets a serpent jacket. Jughead also had his on too.)

She looked back up flipping her hair to look into her boyfriends blue eyes

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She looked back up flipping her hair to look into her boyfriends blue eyes.

"Why thank you my dear" she said getting closer to him through the bars as he did the same.

Soon enough their lips were latched onto one another through the gap of the bars that separated them.

"SURPrissssee" they heard as they unhooked from each other.

They turned to see Veronica and Archie staring at them with complete shock on their faces.

"Wait you guys got us in jail" Jughead asked getting a little angry.

Betty put her hand through the bars and turned his head slightly as she gave him a light kiss that instantly calmed him.

"Yeah we payed sheriff K to do this but we didn't expect to have you guys sucking each others faces off." Archie replied a little shook.

"Were sorry but you guys are no different. Arch darling wipe the lipstick from your mouth." Betty replied which caused Jughead to smirk at his best friend as he frantically wiped at his mouth.

He turned back to Betty as she did the same to him" Where were me my beloved" he asked.

"Right. Here." She replied pulling his face to hers.

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