Movie Night

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Jugheads POV

Today Archie Veronica Betts and I are spending the night at Betty's house watching old movies.

I was bringing some of the movies because Betty didn't have all the ones we wanted to watch and Archie and Veronica were getting pops.

I decided to go earlier to help Betty set up among other things.😉

Betty and I have just started dating but Archie anf Veronica don't know that. And we plan on keeping it that way until we are ready to tell them.

I was about to knock as my darling Betty opened the door and pulled me in.

Before I could say anything she stopped me with a kiss.

I was shocked at first but quickly melted into it. I could feel a smile against her lips.

"Hello to you as well" I said smirking. "Hi Juggie. I'm just really excited" she replied hugging me.

We sat down on the couch and cuddled up with one another and just talked.

We pulled apart when we heard a knock on the door.

Betty went to open it. The once closed now opened door revealed Archie and Veronica with a few of the lodges butlers holding multiple bags of pops.

"Hi Arch. Hi V" she said as  she moved to let them enter.

A few minutes later all of us were seated at the couch until Betty got up and said "I totally forgot the blankets Juggie can you come and help me?"

I stood up and said "sure hey guys you can choose a movie so when we get back we can go straight to watching"

We walked upstairs and Betty and I grabbed a couple of THICCCCKKQ (the 'q' is silent) blankets and headed back downstairs.

*time skip*

During the 4th movie we were all getting super tired but we powered through thanks to pops.

*Another time skip*

Betty and I had fallen asleep next to each other on the couch cuddled up in each others arms.

We woke up the next morning to a bright light flashing.

"Aww look at the couple they're waking up" Veronica said to Archie.

"No they need to sleep more they were so cute" Alice said.

"Mom what are you doing home?" Betty sleepily asked.

"Well I decided I would surprise you but apparently you wanted to surprise us." She replied.

"Boy you got the girl now don't let her go or I'll beat you" my dad said.

"Dad why the hell are you here?" I asked in a morning voice.

"Because Alice called and said is was an emergency." He simply said.

Betty burried her head deeper into my chest which gained a whole lot of awwwwwwwwwwwws from our 'crowd'.

"Mom let me sleep stop taking pictures" Betty said as she turned so her head was now in my lap and I facing my stomach.

"No I need to be apart of your life" her mother said which earned a laugh from Dad and myself.

"Betty why didn't you tell me you and Jughead were dating" Archie asked a little sadly.

"We didn't tell you because we knew this is how you guys would have reacted" Betty mumbled against my stomach.

Dad pulled out his phone and took one final picture of us and said goodbye.

I heard him mumble "Now how do I make this my home and locked screen?" To no one in particular.

Basically Betty and I didn't go back to sleep but we were rewarded with a bunch of the pictures they had taken.

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