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Jughead Betty Archie and Veronica decided to go to the store to buy some spray paint and glitter.

They were going to have Betty complete her dare given to her by Archie.

At the store

Jughead and Betty were walking down the isle where the spray paint was.

"Betts what colors do you want?" Jughead asked while pushing a cart.

"Well I think we need to have blue, purple, red and black" Betty said grabbing those colors.

"Any others my love?" He asked grabbing her waist pulling her closer to him.

"Nope I think that's all" she replied wrapping her hands around his neck.

He then closed the gap between them and captured her lips in a sweet passionate kiss.

"C'mon lovebirds Betty has a wall to paint" Veronica said chuckling with Archie hand in hand.

They payed for the stuff and headed to a bridge near Sweetwater river.

Once they got there Betty started her "masterpiece".

She started painting 2 roses. One with red outlining them with black and the other the complete opposite.

Then she started writing "Bughead 4 life" in purple going into blue. Outlining each letter in black.

"Damn B I didn't expect you be good at this." Veronica said as she watched the events unfold.

"Yeah Betty good job" Archie said slinging her arm around Veronica.

Betty turned around and saw that Jughead was talking pictures of the mural that was just drawn by her.

"Juggie whatcha doing over there" she asked watching him with a confused expression.

"I'm taking a picture of my girls artwork and I'm going to post it on every social media to prove that this is my girlfriend and that I love her" he replied like it was obvious.

"Aww Juggie" she said walking over to him as he picked her up and spun her around landing her on her feat closing the gap with a kiss.

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