Black Hoods

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Authors POV

Betty and Jughead are a detective duo. They graduated from high school and went straight into their detective work.

They were cracking one particular "mystery" when Jughead proposed to her.

That was 2 years ago.

They are now married but they're stuck in a barn surrounded by a bunch of murdering serial killers.

"We'll never get out of here alive?" Jughead stated quietly.

"I wouldn't say that" Betty replied walking around the barn looking for something.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, we're locked in a room with killers on the other side of that door." He stated sarcastically pointing to the door that closed them off from the killers.

"Really dear, I hadn't noticed" Betty said continuing to look around the barn.

Jughead stood in his spot analysing the situation they were in until he heard Betty say "I've got it"

He turned to look at her as she was holding 2 guns in her hands "Betts we are not supposed to kill anyone" Jughead whisper laughed.

"I know but I mean if we don't have any other options" she said smiling.

"No but seriously all joking aside I do have an idea." She said setting down the Gunn's gently.

"Well SHOOT" Jughead said winking at his beloved wife.

"Oh my god" she stated and rolled her eyes.

"Any way we could pick the lock on the door right behind you" she said pointing behind Jughead.

"I mean we could if we knew how but if we did then what." He asked.

"Well we could silently run into the woods and get to the sheriffs station" she added.

"Alright Betts let's do it but let's take the guns. You know just in case.

"Yeah Juggie agreed just in case."she replied smiling.

They exited the barn after Betty had picked the lock.

Then they ran into the woods to sheriff Keller's station.

The whole situation was rapped up after that and Betty and Jughead went home.

In their house

Betty and Jughead got inside and took off their coats and made dinner.

Betty got up after aue was done and put away her dishes and turned to Jughead.

"Hey juggie do you want to know a secret?" she asked sweetly.

"Well if you tell me then it wouldn't be a secret now would it" he said playing along.

"Yeah but it involves you so you automatically get to know." She said batting her eyelashes.

"Alright then tell me the secret" he replied smiling.

"I'm pregnant" she said smiling.

Jughead was shocked then he smiled and ran up to her picking up and spinning her in the process.

"I'm gonna be a dad" he cried laughing along with Betty.

This was probably the worst one I have done.I didn't really like this one anyways and I'm not gonna do a second one on how the child grew up because i actually despise children and my friend told me to end it this way so here ya go friends.

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