Flowers Shop

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Authors POV

Jughead has just came home from a long day at work and he wanted to lay down and cuddled with his girlfriend Veronica. (Gross I know)

He walked in, set his stuff down and went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of mtn dew.

He walked up into his room and opened the door to find his girlfriend entangled with his best friend.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled as he saw the look of fright run across his best friends and girlfriends faces.

"Man it's not what it looks like" Archie explained while Veronica nodded.

"Oh so your not having sex with my girlfriend." Jughead said impatiently.

"You know what don't answer we're done and I want you out of here in 2 days take all your crap too or I'm going to through it all away" he said to Veronica.

He grabbed his soda and his phone and went outside and started to drive.

He ended up at a small flower store.

He bursted in there slammed $50 on the table and said " how do I passive- aggressively say 'Fuck You' in a flower?" He asked the blonde behind the counter.

"Woah there calm down do you wants some coffee or something" she asked sweetly.

"No I just... Ugh why is dating so hard." He asked putting his forehead on the counter.

"Kevin can you watch the shop for a bit?" She asked.

"Of course. Who's the cutie?" He asked drying his hands on a towel.

"I don't actually know.. um what's your name?" She asked the depressed boy.

"Jughead" he mumbled.

"Well Juggie, if you don't mind me calling you that I'm gonna take you to the back and were going to talk ok?" She asked as he nodded.

Jughead and Betty walked into the back area of the store and sat down.

They talked for hours. Even after the store had been shut down.

Even after the sun set. They only realized they had been talking for hours is when Kevin came to open up the store.

"Wow have you too love birds have been talking all night" he asked quite surprised but quickly recovered by sending Betty a little wink.

"Betty why don't you take the day off I'm sure you could find much better ways to occupy your time. Oh wait you already have" he said laughing at his terrible joke.

"Kevin no" Betty and Jughead said in unison.

"Bughead yes" he said as he ushered them out of the store laughing.

"I'm so sorry my friend is so weird" Betty said laughing.

"Oh I don't mind also Bughead has a ring to it don't you think?" He asked smirking.

"I guess it does doesn't it" she said smiling.

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