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Hey guys I just want to apologise for not posting lately I'm also running out of ideas for Bughead specifically so I will probably be ending this story soon and I will be writing another "story" and it might not be Bughead who knows I sure don't😁 anyway thanks for reading and getting me 10k views and here is a long over due oneshot

Authors POV

Recommended by @floralemi

Today was Hal Cooper's or more commonly known as the black hoods trial.

Betty was freaking out to say the least.

Betty was sitting at the stand, called up by the opposite person defending her father.

"Miss Cooper can you confirm that Hal Cooper is in fact your father?" The lawyer asked.

"Yes" she replied looking to Jughead who was sitting down behind the railing giving her a reassuring smile.

"Can you also confirm that you were digging into the mystery that I the black hood?" He asked.

"Yes I was trying to find out who it was but the thought never occurred of it being m- Hal Cooper" she replied again almost letting slip my father.

She looked at her father who's jaw flicked in anger.

"Miss Cooper we're you ever helping Mr Cooper in his murdering spree?" He asked walking up to the stand.

" I have never helped him in any way with his murdering spree" she said repeating his wording.

"Hmm" he said as he went back to his table.

"Well your honor I don't think I have any more witnesses that I need to call up" he said taking a seat as the judge told Betty she could go back to her seat.

Almost an hour more had gone by and the judge and jury have finally declared him guilty.

Betty walked out hand in hand with Jughead when she was stopped by Archie and Veronica.

"Oh look here what do you see Archiekins?" Veronica asked in her annoyingly high pitched voice she uses only when she's gossiping.

"Well Ronnie I believe we have a murduress with her next unsuspecting prey." Archie spat out with a smirk.

"You know what Archiekins Betty doesn't need this so I suggest you back off or the next thing 6 feet under will be you" Jughead said in a girly voice wrapping an arm protectively around Betty's waist.

After the little encounter Jughead took Betty back to his trailer because her mother and sister were off doing god knows what.

They spent the night cuddling and planning an escape plan for them to leave Riverdale after a few weeks being as senior year was coming to an end.

In the morning school would be absolute hell for Betty but knowing that she had Jughead she would be fine.

Bughead One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now