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Authors POV

Betty and Jughead were sitting on the couch in his trailer. Bored out of their minds.

"Hey Betts can I say something?" Jughead asked playing with her hair.

"No." She replied as quickly as she possibly could.

Jughead stepped his playing with her hair and said "Why not I have a good idea."

"Is it as good as your last one?" She asked chuckling to herself.

"Geez! Blow up a building and steal a car one time and all your ideas get blacklisted." He said letting out a loud puff of air as Betty chuckled.

"Juggie my love, it was not just a car it was sheriff Keller's car" Betty replied laughing turning her head to look at him from his lap.

"Yeah but I didn't get in trouble, Did I" he said bringing his head down to kiss her.

"Yeah only because Kevin took the blame for you" she said tilting her head to kiss him.

"Yeah but Kevin can't kiss you like this" Jughead mumbled against her lips.

"That's because he's gay, Juggie" she said laughing.

"Even if he wasn't he still wouldn't be able to touch you" he said causing her to giggle.

"I love you Juggie so much" Betty said looking up at him after he pulled away.

"I love you way more" he replied winking.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you prove it Jug" she said smirking at him.

"Oh I shall my love" he said returning her smirk and picking her up carrying her to his bedroom.

Im pretty sure you can guess what happens at this point.

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