Morning Run

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Betty's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing throughout my empty trailer.

I live alone because my mom and dad kicked me out but we still have tk maintain the ' Perfect Cooper ' act so I have to sneak over to the Northside every morning.

I decided to go for a jog this morning. So I pulled on this outfit.

I pulled my earbuds in and started listening to *⬆️⬆️Song up above⬆️⬆️*I then started running and I decided to stop by my "parents" house so I made my way there

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I pulled my earbuds in and started listening to
*⬆️⬆️Song up above⬆️⬆️*
I then started running and I decided to stop by my "parents" house so I made my way there.

As I wad getting to the front door I was pulled in by my mother.

"Good Elizabeth you look like a hooker" my mom said. "Hello to you as well Alice." I replied in a sickeningly sarcastic tone.

"Don't speak to me like that I am your mother" she said looking as if she was about to slap me "well last time I checked I wasn't considered your daughter. Did that start when you kicked me out or when you abused me" I asked now heading to the door and leaving a dumbfounded Alice in the hallway.

I decided to head to pop's so I turned my music back on and ran down the sidewalk.

I was running for a good 5 m minutes as I was nearing a turn of the side walk I ran into someone a very muscular who caught me before.

I pulled my ear bud out and said "Oh my God I'm so so sorry I wasn't watching where i was going I'm sorry".

The boy just smirked at me and said "It's fine its really not a big deal if I got to see your face everytime someone bumped into me I think I would die." I giggled.

"Yeah jug you'd probably die of too many erections (I'm so sorry😂) also hello to you too Betty nice of you to notice us" Toni said from behind 'jug'.

"Oh I'm sorry hello Toni sweets and fangs" I said sarcastically with a smile.

"Whatever Blondie what are you doing on the Northside anyway?" Sweet pea asked knowing I hate the Northside for only one family. Mine.

"You know the usual receiving of my daily "compliment"" I said using air quotes.

"How bad this time?" Fangs asked. "Not bad at all Hal wasn't home so that probably helped but today it was just 'hooker'." I said laughing.

"Betty that's awful I'm sorry" Toni said rubbing my arm. "TT it's fine anyways on happier note.(i turned to face the boy I ran into)   are you new?" I asked

"Um yeah my names Jughead and I just moved her to a house on the Southside umm Nuttlane I think is the street." He said obviously feeling uncomfortable due to the previous conversation.

"Oh cool that's where I live" I said "I'm sorry to cut our visit short but I'm hungry so goodbye my friends and I'll so you(pointing at Toni) tonight. And don't bail on me. If you need C just invite her along too ok because I need my TT time." I said with a smile. I earned a laugh from the boys and a roll of her eyes and a smile from TT. 

I walked past them and heard 3 "bye b's" and one "bye Betts" only belonging to Jughead. I smiled a little and started running off to pops.

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