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Jughead's POV

I came home from work late today because the Serpents had a meeting. Betty was supposed to be there but she wasn't. I took my jacket off and put it on the hook. As I slipped my shoes off I heard a light-hearted giggle only belonging to my Betty.

Why is she giggling? Is she cheating on me? I ran upstairs to where the giggling was and saw Betty in the bathtub surrounded by loads of bubbles giggling like a toddler. I smiled and couldn't help myself so I bent down and kissed her cheek startling her. "Juggie when did you come home and how long were you there for?" She asked blushing a little bit. " Long enough to here your angelic giggles" I said which caused her to giggle more. "I will never get bored of hearing that".

"Juugggieeeeeeeee?" Betty asked in a babeish voice. "Yes my love." I replied kissing her neck. "I'm lonely baby. Come join me." I quickly kissed her cheek and stood up and stripped and got in the bath with her. She got up and nestled herself in between my legs and rested her head on my chest. I enclosed my arms around her acting like my arms were a protective barrier. Protecting her from the dangers of the outside world.

After a few minutes I broke the comfortable silence.
" Betts, baby, you missed a Serpents meeting." I said in a very calm voice. She turned around in my arms and replied with "Juggie I'm so sorry I totally forgot there was a meeting today." "Baby it's ok it's not a big deal it consisted of only Toni and Cheryl wanting to get new alcoholic beverages for the bar. And of course my dad asking me if we had decided on a date for the wedding"

I said whilst she turned back around and replaced the empty space between us with her body going back to her original position but now staring at her ring.

After a good hour or so we got out and got dressed. We went downstairs and made some popcorn and brought that up to our bedroom. We out Netflix on and looked through to a movie called


It's about these snails who uncover the great mysteries of their fair town. It's really good.

After watching that movie we had a mini 80s movie marathon. We watched the breakfast club, Heather's, 16 candles and much more.

Around half of 16 candles Betty had fallen asleep so I turned off the movie and took her into my arms and spooned her.

"I love you Betts" I said a little muffled due to my head being engulfed by her hair. "I love you too Juggie". She replied with a sleepy voice. And with that we fell asleep together in the safest place for one another. In each other's arms.

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