Laser tag

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Authors POV

Veronica, Archie, Betty, and Jughead all decided to go out of town for a few days.

They had a full list of your things they wanted to do and the first up was laser tag.

Archie and Jughead were the blue team and Betty and Veronica were the red team.

"Alright give your significant other a kiss good luck before we start" Veronica said as she went up to Archie wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Good luck princess" Jughead said wrapping his arms around Betty's waist.

"Good luck my Romeo, you'll need it. I'm gonna kick your ass" she replied giving him a kiss.

He pulled away after a second and said "mm we shall see about that my love" he replied with a wink.

"Alright B let's show them how 2 girls can beat their asses at laser tag" Veronica said linking her arm with Betty's.

*In the laser tag room*

As both teams were suited up and Waiting for the bell to ring signaling the start of the game Betty was thinking of ways to get points.

As soon as the bell had rung she walked and found Jughead almost instantly.

She walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder saying "truce?"

He turned around and raised an eyebrow but shook his head yes.

"I mean we don't even have to shoot we could just stay here and make out" Betty suggested halfley joking.

"Yeah we could do that" Jughead said as he moved closer to her going to the same position as before.

They broke the space between each other and started kissing each other with passion.

Until a loud bzzzzbzzzz was heard between them.

Betty had shot Jughead and was now running off into the darkness.

He shook his head in disbelief and ran after her only to be hit again.

He couldn't find her until the game had ended and the lights were turned back on to show the girls had won.

5-0. After every one had gotten their suits off they found out that Archie and Veronica had only been making out and Betty had scored all of the points.

"Betts my love even though you shot me I'm still proud of you for winning." Jughead said bring her hand to his lips as they were walking to park hand in hand.

"Aww thanks babe I'm proud of you too for trying your very hardest." She said jokingly giving him a peck on the cheek.

He rolled his eyes playfully as he got into the back seat of Archie's truck after helping Betty up.

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