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Authors POV

The closer you are to your soulmate the warmer you feel, the further away the colder. Basically finding your soulmate is one big game of hot a cold.

Once you reach a certain age you begin to feel a pull towards your soulmate, just like magnets.

The name of your soulmate appears on your body only after that person falls in love with you.

Betty always wished for her soulmate. She would dream of different scenarios on how she would meet her soulmate.

She would go to school everyday and during her classes besides getting perfect grades she would also day dream about her soulmate.

How tall he'd be, how old, when she would meet him, things like that.

Little did she know that her soulmate would arrive today.

"Alright class we have a new student with us today. Please welcome, Jug-Head?" The seniors biology teacher said.

"Uh yeah that's me" a boy about 5'9 dressed in a  leather jacket with a snake on the back and jeans paired off with a green s shirt and black combat boots.

He walked farther into the classroom and made eye contact with Betty as she did the same.

They were drawn to one another like some force was pushing them together.

They continued to stare until the teacher told him to sit next to her because there was an empty seat.

He smiled and walked over to her and sat down extending his hand saying "my name's Jughead"

He shook it "it's very nice to meet you Jughead my name's Betty" she replied smiling.

"Today class we are doing a project so I want you to use your lab partners for that meaning the person who's sitting next to you." The teacher stated.

"You will be making a class presentation on a type of organism." He continued.

The teacher continued talking about all of the necessary information needed on the project.

The bell rang and everyone got up and gathered the stuff they had brought to class.

"Hey juggie can I see your schedule" Betty asked as they were leaving.

"Yeah sure Betts her ya go." He replied handing it to her with a smile.

"We have all of our classes together." Betty said beaming.

"Cool because I have absolutely no idea where anything is" he replied with a chuckle.

They walked to their next class together and every class after that ending with free period.

"Hey juggie would you want to join the blue and gold?" Betty asked as they were at their lockers.

"What's that" he asked intrigued.

"It's basically the school paper that absolutely no one reads but I still keep it going because it's like a private study hall" she said laughing a bit.

"Yeah that sounds awesome" he replied with a big smile.

"Cool well let get to the office" Betty said before dragging Jughead through the halls into the office of the blue and gold.

The weeks passed as they worked on the biology project together and stayed for the blue and gold after school, growing closer and closer to each other.

One day Betty felt s searing pain in her wrist as she was doing her homework at her desk. While  Jughead had the same reaction on her bed doing his.

They looked down to find each others names on their wrists.

They both looked up and Betty walked over to Jughead and he pulled her closer to him and they kissed, A sweet passionate kiss.

They pulled away and said "I love you" at the same time causing the other to laugh. Jughead then pulled her in for another kiss that she returned.

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